EverBright is the system owner for PPA's (EverFix, EverFlex, EverEasy) and therefore will receive interconnection agreements from the homeowner's utility to be signed by an officer of EverBright. Select customer support agents are authorized to sign documents on behalf of EverBright. Support may receive a request via DocuSign, Adobe Sign, Zoho Sign, or others.
Currently, only the following Customer Support agents are authorized to process Interconnection Agreement documents:
Nathan Dubbs
Daniel Jean-Louis
Nehemiah Franco (back-up only)
Eric Suarez (back-up only)
Only the following utilities' interconnection agreements are approved to sign:
Arizona Public Service
Trico Electric Cooperative, Inc.
The Narragansett Electric Company
Massachusetts Electric Company and Nantucket Electric Company (d/b/a National Grid)
Devlin Energy
For all documents requiring signature, including approved utilities, confirm that the document is an interconnection agreement and not an RRES agreement. We do not participate in the RRES program, see Tariff Payment Beneficiary . We also do not participate in the SGIP program.
If the utility is approved:
Navigate to the homeowner’s job in engine or the homeowner dashboard in Homeowner Dashboard - PowerBI .
The job may be under the co-applicants name
If not found, try searching for the last name only and looking for a job in the state where the agreement came
Navigate to the Qualification phase to confirm the name on the agreement
The customer may be on the Title and not on Credit
Most agreements do not contain the job address
If the customer cannot be located in Engine or the HO Dashboard, email and provide the customer name, the utility name, and the installer’s name.
Confirm that the job is an active PPA
If the workflow is active:
Navigate to the signature page and click in the box to sign on behalf of EverBright
If the printed name is Carey Mendes, the signature will auto-populate
If the printed name is EverBright Lease, click to sign and update the name to Carey Mendes before signing:
The agent must check all agreements and any interconnections that are populated with Dan Lotano should be rejected! The agreement needs to be signed with Carey Mendes.
If the workflow is canceled
Notify your supervisor
If the supervisor determines that Legal review is needed:
Email (Cc and using the subject-naming convention:
“Legal Review: Interconnection Agreement - Utility Name / State – Installer(s)” to and include:
A PDF copy of the agreement that was submitted
The link to the job
A PDF copy of the customer’s contract
The reason for the cancellation, if we have it
Any background regarding the project or utility
Once the interconnection agreements are signed, Support receives an automatic confirmation email from EverSource that the documents have been executed:
If the utility is new and not on the approved list:
Open the DocuSign and download a PDF of the agreement
Send an email with the attachment and any other correspondence regarding the utility, agreement, or project to,, and and request a review and approval.
CC: and
Support received the attached interconnection agreement request. Please review and approve/decline the request.
When approved or declined:
Send a Slack message to Tiffany Harper (Unlicensed) requesting to update the SOP with the name of the newly approved/declined utility.
For documents requiring EverBright’s contact information:
System Owner - Carey Mendes or Jill Dvareckas
Title - President
Address: 700 Universe Blvd.
City/State/Zip: Juno Beach, FL 33408
Phone: (877) 465-2496