The email will be sent via as a Typeform. It should look something like this.
Make the reporter Jeff Horton (jhorton@swellenergyamurphy@swellenergy.com).
Add as request participants skielas@swellenergy.com , amurphy@swellenergy.com, peter@swellenergy.com
Mark the ticket as a Company Specific Data Change
Provide the initial response
The CS tick should contain:
Assignee = CS Team Member
QA Assignee = QA Team Member
Epic = Swell Configurations
Ticket Type = Int Fin
Component = Swell Financing
Instructions on how to make a linked CS ticket from Support are here.
3. Account is configured
Configure the product in the account according to the instructions here /wiki/spaces/CON/pages/909246594.
4. Support will respond account and let them know the products are live