CS tickets

CS tickets

1. Click Create and the ticket will appear

2. Fill the appropriate fields

Project -

Customer Success (CS)

Issue Type -

  • Task - This is the default and should be selected when the request does not fit into the below

  • Doc - This should be selected for all document requests

  • Onboarding - This should be selected for all onboarding requests

  • Config Finance - This should be selected for all configured financing

  • Resolution - This should be used to file a ticket where a configuration error is being resolved. See here for more info.

Summary -

When creating CS tickets in general, try to include a clear action/configuration that is needed in the summary. It is also important to include the Finance Product (EverOwn, EverFix Direct Pay, etc.) that is being configured or is causing an issue.

1. If a ticket is created from an email request (external or internal customers), please use the email subject as the ticket summary formatted as:

Org name - Email subject

EverBright - Email subject

2. If a ticket is not created from an email request:


  • Installer requests, this should be formatted as: Org_name - Configuration that should be complete.  An example of this is “Sighten Solar - Add Service Finance Products”.

  • Customer is receiving an error code, this should be formatted as Org name - Error code

Component -

For External Tickets:

Enter the customer org. If not yet in the database, enter Other and it will be added later.

For Internal Tickets:

Enter “Everbright”

Due Date -

The SLA from receiving a task to completion is 3 work days/72 business hours from ticket filing, not including weekends

  • Due date: 48 hours from the creation of the ticket, not including weekends

  • Configuration due date: 24 hours from creation of the ticket, not including weekends

  • QA due date: 48 hours from the creation of the ticket, not including weekends

There are a few exceptions:

  • Highest priority tickets/customers get priority support and faster SLA times (except documents). All the 3 due dates are 24 hours

Description -

A detailed explanation of what is needed to be done in the context of the ticket. Details to include should be screenshot(s), job links, products affected, etc.

Priority -

The level of priority for a specific task. 

  • Highest = Highest priority tickets that need to be completed within 24 hours.

  • High = High priority tickets that fall into the normal SLA 3 work days/72 business hours, excluding weekends.

  • Med = Is the default. Medium priority tickets that fall into the normal SLA 3 work days/72 business hours, excluding weekends.

  • Low = Internal ticket that does not directly affect a customer and fall into the normal SLA 3 work days/72 business hours, excluding weekends.

Labels -

When applicable, include one of the following labels:

  • deactivation

  • operation

  • incentives

  • equipment

  • Channel_partner, channel_partner

  • Onboarding, onboarding

These labels trigger automation to assign the appropriate Epic to the ticket.

Assignee & QA Assignee -

Assignee: The member of the configuration team who will do the configuration and forward the ticket to further stages on the board.

QA Assignee: A member of the configuration team who is responsible for QA'ing the configuration.

Assignee and QA Assignee cannot be the same person.

Refer to here for the Configuration Team schedule for the day. There are two instances of each team member, one for Assignee and one for QA. The term OOO = Out of Office. If this term is next to a name, do not assign a ticket to them.


The Epic Link determines the type of the ticket and there are multiple different epics important to configuration. Always place Epics on tickets, tickets without an epic tend to get lost. There is only 1 Epic per CS ticket.

Please select the best fit or most appropriate Epic from the following. The Epics are:

  • CS Workflow/Milestone Requests

    • This Epic is utilized for workflow or milestone changes that will come internally from EverBright employees.

  • CS Installer Configurations

    • This Epic is utilized for Installer Requests

  • CS Incentive Requests

    • This epic is for tickets related to incentives

  • CS Milestone Payment Requests

    • This epic is for tickets related to milestone payment configurations

  • CS Equipment Requests

    • This epic is for any equipment configurations

  • CS Product Rule Requests

    • This epic is for any tickets where a product rule is added or adjusted

  • CS Onboarding

    • This epic is for onboarding (partner, installer, product, etc.) related requests

  • CS Document Requests

    • This epic is for any tickets related to documents

  • Proposal Services

    • This epic is for tickets related to proposals

  • Installer Configurations - This includes contract changes, product changes, general updates to the existing user accounts

  • Installer Onboardings - The onboarding tickets

  • Public Data Configurations - These tickets are for adding in the information we don't currently have offered on the platform, specifically products and equipment

  • Internal - Tickets for the internal purposes of Sighten

Linked Issues -

It is imperative for the CS ticket to be linked to its related SS ticket. You can mention the SS ticket in the comments to automatically link it, or you can add the link manually. This is used when there is a relationship between tickets. Either one is caused or blocked by the other one. The linked issues field sets the relationship and the Issue field sets the ticket to which the current ticket is related.

3. Submit the ticket (at the bottom of the ticket window)


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