Installers quoting EverBright products must have valid insurance policies on file with EverBright specifically named as additionally insured. If the policy has expired, they will be blocked from executing deals.
If you don’t see any open tickets with this subject line, proceed to step 4.
If you do see a ticket with this subject line, open it and check to see which org it’s for.
If that organization is on your list, enter an internal comment for the assigned support agent that says “ Org name is on this week’s list again - please expedite completion of this ticket”
Change the status to waiting for support
If there are no additional organizations listed, beyond ones that already have an open insurance update ticket, close the “Organizations with Expiring Insurance” ticket since you’ll have no further action.
Subject: EverBright: Please update your insurance or risk blocked contractsby (enter date)
Description/Body: Your insurance is about to expire
Assignee - enter your name
Reporter - Enter email address of the org admin (note: if only a “N/A” policy is noted, there’s no need to add a customer contact)
Request Type - Account Management
Label - Add EB (since it’s an EverBright financing related ticket)
Organization - The org name
Request Participants - Add the account manager’s email address and
4.) Send the customer note “Reply to Customer” (except if it’s an N/A policy type)
Hi _______, Your (enter insurance type) insurance policy is set to expire on (enter expiration date). Please send us proof of your renewed policy ASAP so that we can update your EverBright account. Otherwise, you may experience blocked EverBright contracts once your policy has expired. We know that’s an inconvenience so let’s get this paperwork updated to avoid interruption of service. If your insurance expires, you will no longer be able to sign EverBright contracts until we receive updated information.
Please reply to this ticket with and attach your updated certificate of insurance (COI), Accord form attached - remember. Remember, EverBright must be listed as additionally insured and your policy limits must meet our limits.
Please let me know if you have any questions -
5.) Once sent - the status should be in waiting for customer
If you haven’t received a response - after the third day, send the customer a reminder note
Hi ________, a quick reminder that your insurance policies are expiring soon and we’ll need a copy of your updated COI to avoid disruption of EverBright service. Please let me know if you have any questions.
6.) When the customer responds and attaches their COI, check the following:
8.) When configuration is complete, close the ticket with the following note to the customer
Hi _______, Your insurance information has been updated in our system. As always, let us know if you need any assistance. Best - (your name)