Processing Expiring Insurance and COI Update Requests

Processing Expiring Insurance and COI Update Requests

Background: Effective December 12, 2024, the updated process for reviewing and approving Installer Insurance Renewals includes an initial review by the Risk Team before the insurance policies are updated on the platform. The submission process remains the same, but additional time (3-5 days) is allotted for the Risk Team's review. Requests via Slack are no longer accepted. Follow this step-by-step guide for the updated process:








Notification of Expiring/Expired Insurance

  • Installers are notified of expiring or expired insurance through Engine notifications.

  • Account Managers receive the "[Internal Only] Take Action: Installer Insurance Expiration Report" email containing the list of Installers with policies expiring within 31 days or already expired.



Submission of COI(s)

Confirm the following:

  1. Installers or Account Managers submit the Certificate of Insurance (COI) to Support.

  2. Submission Method:

Case Creation:

  • Support creates a Salesforce case for the submission.

Follow the Creating and Assigning Cases process


Case Assignment to Risk Team

  • Support assigns the case to the Risk Team for review.

  • Use the "COI Review" referral reason when assigning the case.



Risk Team Review

Validation Process: The Risk Team validates and approves/rejects the COI(s).

If COI is Approved proceed to Step 5

If COI is Rejected proceed to Step 6


  1. Create a Jira Ticket:

    • Support creates a Configuration Jira ticket to update the insurance policy in Engine.

  2. Configuration Team Updates Insurance:

    • The Configuration Team updates the insurance policy in Engine (allow 3 days for this update).

  3. Confirmation:

    • Once the update is complete, Support confirms with the Installer/Account Manager.

    • Please use the quick reply named “Insurance Updated”

CLOSE Case Ticket

Follow the Handling Configuration Requests in Salesforce process

Use CS Installer Configuration - CS-28900 Epic Number


Rejection Notification:

  1. Support notifies the customer or Account Manager of the rejection.

  2. Include details regarding why the COI was rejected and the necessary next steps.

CLOSE Case ticket

Please use the Quick Reply named “COI Rejection”



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