1. Click Create and the ticket will appear
CS Workflow/Milestone Requests
This Epic is utilized for workflow or milestone changes that will come internally from EverBright employees.
CS Installer Configurations
This Epic is utilized for Installer Requests
CS Incentive Requests
This epic is for tickets related to incentives
CS Milestone Payment Requests
This epic s is for tickets related to milestone payment configurations
CS Equipment Requests
This epic is for any equipment configurations
CS Product Rule Requests
This epic is for any tickets where a product rule is added or adjusted
CS Onboarding
This epic is for onboarding (partner, installer, product, etc.) related requests
CS Document Requests
This epic is for any tickets related to documents
Proposal Services
This epic is for tickets related to proposals
Installer Configurations - This includes contract changes, product changes, general updates to the existing user accountsInstaller Onboardings - The onboarding ticketsPublic Data Configurations - These tickets are for adding in the information we don't currently have offered on the platform, specifically products and equipmentInternal - Tickets for the internal purposes of Sighten