Background: RIC customers will receive an email from marketing informing them that the Retail Installment Contract they signed through Docusign is missing the confirmation that it is the “DocuSign Authoritative Copy.”
Please see the link below to the “Red and Yellow” spreadsheet for the initial group of customers that was emailed. Columns A and B show the first and last name and column C has the email address. Please note that the list includes both EB and BEAM contracts.
Please add your notes in column D of the spreadsheet as you receive calls, emails, or chats from homeowners.
2023-10-17 AuthCopy email red and yellow list.xlsx
Info |
The spreadsheet can also be found in the EverBright Customer Support SharePoint page. |
Authoritative Copy (AC) Acknowledgement via Homeowner Portal
The homeowner has the option of completing the AC acknowledgment in their homeowner portal:
Homeowner logs into their portal
Homeowner sees the prompt encouraging them to complete the acknowledgement. Homeowner clicks the button "Click to Acknowledge" to complete the acknowledgement. Customers are limited to 2 actions here: 1. complete the acknowledgement 2. log out
Upon successful acknowledgement completion, homeowners receive a confirmation message and can access their homeowner portal and resume normal portal activities.
The acknowledgement homeowners will see:
After the acknowledgement has been completed:
Additional details:
When a customer completes the requested action, the system records the data and dismisses the experience for that account. Because the acknowledgement of either co-signer is sufficient, it is to minimize asking customers to take duplicate/unnecessary actions.
The ability to acknowledge is set to impersonate read only so that only the customer can take this action/internal teams cannot take this action on behalf of a customer.
"What is this email really about?"