Authoritative Copy

Authoritative Copy

Background: RIC customers will receive a communication (email, mail, text) from marketing informing them that the Retail Installment Contract they signed through DocuSign is missing the confirmation that it is the “DocuSign Authoritative Copy.”


IMPORTANT: A Marketing campaign for the Authoritative Copy initiative has been in place as of October 22nd, 2024

  • This means that customer will be receiving an email requesting them to acknowledge

  • This will be only sent to customers that still need to acknowledge the Authoritative Copy


Agents will receive calls, emails, or chats from homeowners regarding the Authoritative Copy email they received. It is important for the agent to know:

What is an Authoritative Copy?

An Authoritative Copy is the legally recognized, official version of a document, whether it’s in digital or physical form. It holds the same legal value as a paper document with a handwritten signature. It’s a guarantee that the document is genuine and tamper-free.

Why is confirmation of an Authoritative Copy important?

  1. Legal Validity: Confirms that the document is the valid contract, recognized and enforceable by law, regardless of how many other copies may exist.

  2. Protection from changes: Allows for additional protection from anyone tampering with the document after it’s been signed.

  3. Document history: Maintains a comprehensive record of who signed the document and when.

  4. Certification: Includes a digital certificate that verifies the document’s authenticity.


The legal approved email that went out to homeowners:


If the customer is unable to locate the email or the link does not work

If the homeowner is unable to locate the Authoritative Copy email that was sent to them, provide the homeowner with the following link http://www.goeverbright.com/authcopy. There they will be able to complete their acknowledgement directly.

If the homeowner does not want to use the above link and they insist that the email be resent to them, create a ticket, tag your supervisor in the ticket and provide them with the homeowner's name and email address. The supervisor will send this information to the marketing team to have the email resent to the homeowner.

Authoritative Copy (AC) Acknowledgement via Homeowner Portal

The homeowner has the option of completing the AC acknowledgment in their homeowner portal:

  1. Homeowner logs into their portal 

  2. Homeowner sees the prompt encouraging them to complete the acknowledgement. Homeowner clicks the button "Click to Acknowledge" to complete the acknowledgement. Customers are limited to 2 actions here: 1. complete the acknowledgement 2. log out 

  3. Upon successful acknowledgement completion, homeowners receive a confirmation message and can access their homeowner portal and resume normal portal activities.

The acknowledgement homeowners will see:

After the acknowledgement has been completed:

Additional details: 

  • When a customer completes the requested action, the system records the data and dismisses the experience for that account. Because the acknowledgement of either co-signer is sufficient, it is to minimize asking customers to take duplicate/unnecessary actions.

  • The ability to acknowledge is set to impersonate read only so that only the customer can take this action/internal teams cannot take this action on behalf of a customer. 


"What is this email really about?"  

  • An Authoritative Copy of your contract must exist in order to guarantee that any and all copies match the original. Upon review, we discovered that an Authoritative Copy of your contract in fact does not exist. In order to protect our mutual interests, we are asking that you acknowledge the original contract as the Authoritative Copy. As an added layer of protection, by acknowledging your original contract in DocuSign as the Authoritative Copy, you are agreeing that the original signed contract held by DocuSign is the source of truth by which all other copies can be measured.

"Why do I need to sign this?"  

  • As an added layer of protection, it is helpful to have a designated Authoritative Copy to guarantee that in the case of duplications, copies match the original, legal document. You do not need to sign anything. Simply clicking the “Authorize” button will acknowledge your contract as the Authoritative Copy.

"Is this a scam?"  

  • No. This is an honest request from EverBright, your clean energy solutions provider. In order to provide you with the security and protection of an Authoritative Copy, you must take action.

“What happens if I don’t acknowledge my contract as an Authoritative Copy?” 

  • If you choose not to acknowledge your contract as an Authoritative Copy, you are risking the possibility that a fraudulent copy becomes available. By acknowledging your original contract as the Authoritative Copy, you can feel secure that your contract is tamper free. 

“Why do I need to acknowledge my contract as an Authoritative Copy if it is already legally binding?” 

  • Acknowledging your contract, the Authoritative Copy, ensures it is the official document which then provides a baseline should additional copies exist.  

“Why wasn’t my contract recognized as the Authoritative Copy when I signed it?” 

  • We recently identified that there was an IT issue preventing your contract from including the Authoritative Copy confirmation at the time you signed it. We want to make sure you are protected from any contractual disputes should additional copies exist. Acknowledging the contract as the Authoritative Copy prevents fraudulent copies from being created.

“When will I receive my Amazon gift card?”

  • The gift cards will be sent to their email approximately 3-5 weeks after the campaign ends


For Spanish Speaking Customers

Estimado [Nombre], 

En EverBright, estamos comprometidos a brindarle el mejor servicio posible. Queríamos compartir información importante sobre el Contrato de pago a plazos  (“Contrato”) que firmó a través de DocuSign. Después de observar más de cerca el documento, identificamos que le falta la confirmación de que se trata de la "Copia autorizada de DocuSign". 

Tenga en cuenta que el contrato que firmó es legalmente vinculante y seguro, aunque carezca de la confirmación de la Copia autorizada. Por lo tanto, no es necesario volver a firmarlo; sólo solicitamos su reconocimiento de que se trata de la Copia Autorizada. 

Simplifiquemos lo que significa una "Copia autorizada" y por qué es importante: 

¿Qué es una copia autorizada? 

Una copia autorizada es la versión oficial legalmente reconocida de un documento, ya sea en formato digital o físico. Tiene el mismo valor legal que un documento en papel con firma manuscrita. Es una garantía de que el documento es genuino y no ha sido alterado. 

¿Por qué es importante la confirmación de una copia autorizada? 

  1. Validez Jurídica: Confirma que el documento es el contrato válido, reconocido y exigible por ley, independientemente de cuantas otras copias puedan existir. 

  2. Protección contra cambios: permite protección adicional contra cualquier persona que manipule el documento después de haberlo firmado. 

  3. Historial del documento: mantiene un registro completo de quién firmó el documento y cuándo. 

  4. Certificación: Incluye un certificado digital que verifica la autenticidad del documento. 

¿Cómo reconocer? 

Al hacer clic en el botón a continuación, usted reconoce que la copia electrónica del Contrato mantenida en DocuSign es la Copia autorizada a los efectos de la ley comercial aplicable. Este reconocimiento no modifica la copia original que recibió al firmar el Contrato. Simplemente confirma que la copia electrónica de DocuSign es la copia autorizada, tal como se pretendía originalmente. Este correo electrónico es parte del Contrato y debe almacenarse con su copia. 

Lamentamos cualquier inconveniente y estamos aquí para ayudarlo. Si necesita ayuda o tiene alguna pregunta adicional, comuníquese con nuestro equipo de atención al cliente al (830) 833-0475 o support@myeverbright.com

Gracias por su pronta atención a este asunto. 

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