Background: RIC customers will receive an email from marketing informing them that the Retail Installment Contract they signed through Docusign is missing the confirmation that it is the “DocuSign Authoritative Copy.”
Please see the link below to the “Red and Yellow” spreadsheet for the initial group of customers that was emailed. Columns A and B show the first and last name and column C has the email address. Please note that the list includes both EB and BEAM contracts.
Please add your notes in column D of the spreadsheet as you receive calls, emails, or chats from homeowners.
2023-10-17 AuthCopy email red and yellow list.xlsx
When a customer completes the requested action, the system records the data and dismisses the experience for that account. Because the acknowledgement of either co-signer is sufficient, it is to minimize asking customers to take duplicate/unnecessary actions.
The ability to acknowledge is set to impersonate read only so that only the customer can take this action/internal teams cannot take this action on behalf of a customer.
Email Incentive
An email went out to customers with an incentive to acknowledge the authoritative copy. Customers are being offered a $20 Amazon e-card. If the authoritative copy is acknowledged, they will receive their gift card approximately 3 to 5 weeks after the campaign ends on October 30, 2023.
"What is this email really about?"
We recently identified that there was an IT issue preventing your contract from including the Authoritative Copy confirmation at the time you signed it. We want to make sure you are protected from any contractual disputes should additional copies exist. Acknowledging the contract as the Authoritative Copy prevents fraudulent copies from being created.
“When will I receive my Amazon gift card?”
The gift cards will be sent to their email approximately 3-5 weeks after the campaign ends on 10/30/2023.
For Spanish Customers
Estimado [Nombre],