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Organizations that fall under either fallall undernder eitheeither of th of the following criteria following critriterria will ba will be granted grgrantedted API access aaccess and shoand should be given the canned Initial bld be givengiven thehe cannanned InInitial Response:


Thank you for reaching out! We have passed this on to our sales team and they will follow up shortly. Currently, we are supporting API integration requests for approved EverBright partners.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Best Regards,

  • Any client that is approved to sell EverBright Financing Products
  • Organizations on this sheet, since they are already working with us on an API Integration

After the initial reply, re-assign the ticket to John Kilfoil

We no longer grant API access for any organizations that are not approved EverBright partners. In this case, please:


Organizations that ial Response:

Thankank youyou for reachr reaching ouout! W! We havhave passassed th this os on to to our sales team aur sales team andd theyy wwill folll follow upow up shortly. Currhortly. Currently, we tly, we are suppe supporting APrting APHi,I inintegrationgration rrequests fs for approved EverBrapproved EverBrightght ppartrtners.

We apoloapologizeize forfor anyy inconvenience.

BestTHi,ers. Regards,



  • Any clieclientt that at is approvapproved d too seell Ev EverBrightBright FinancingFinancing ProducroductssAn
  • Organizanizationss on this on this sheetet, sinnce te they ey are alrready working widy working with us on an API Integn API Integration
  • Or, onation

Afterr the initinitiaal rreply,ply, re-a-assign thgn the ticket tticket to John John KilKilfoiil


We no longerer grangrant API API acaccess for any anysh organganizzatiotionss thatthat arare nonot approv approvedd EverBEverBriightht partnerpartners.. IIn this cascase, pl, pleaase::We no

  • Postost iin thhe #eve #everbrighbright-sales-sales slslack chann channel andd thenen nonotifyfy DavDaviees GGallagherllagher (Ma(Managager Sales) viar Sales) via emaemail (davil (davi) BeBe surere tto provi providee ContContactct InfInfo and State thatand State that the cclieent ist is lolocatted in
    • in
      • ex
      example Slack xample Slack post: "Hi team, Made Up Solar Company LLC is requesting API access but they are not approved for EverBright. I have emailed Davies as discussed"example emailMadt: "e Up SUp Solarar Company LLCCompany LLC iis r requestiquesting APIg API access buaccess but theyy aare e notot apprapprovedved for EvEverBrrBrighht.. II have ememaililed DavDaviees asas discdiscussed"Madsed"Hi team, 
    • exampmple email: "Hi Davies,Davies, Made Up Solar Company LLC is requesting API access but they are not approved for EverBright. Can you please reach out to ? They are located in CA"
    In the ticket, send the response below and then close as follows:
    • Resolution: Declined
    • Platform Area: Account Management
    • Resolution Type: Account ManagementSSolarar Compaompany LLCLLC is is requequesting API accaccess buss but ththey ary are nnott approved for for EverBright.. CCan you pl you pleaase rereach out to ch out to john@emaihn@email.c.comm ? Theyy aaree loclocatedted in CA""HiMade Uj ? ThCA"
  • In th the t tickket,, ssenndResolutio the response below and thlow and then cloclose as as ffollows:ows:
    • Resolution: D: Declinclined
    • Platfformrm AArea: Accou: Accountt ManagemenManagement
    • Resolusolution Typon Type:: AccounAccount ManagemeManagement
    • Pla
    • Rt
  • I