Background: EverBright has partnered with CED/Concert to offer RIC products to customers using their platform (Beam). EverBright is the financier and will provide customer support for homeowners as EverBright Customer Support’s contact information is listed on the agreement. Therefore, customer support may receive calls from Concert customers at any point after they receive their contract. EverBright ended this partnership last year, but EverBright is still having current jobs progressing, and helping customers with their issues. Concert does not have a customer-facing support team, as it is our responsibility to be that liaison.
Note |
Concert support ( IS NOT HOMEOWNER FACING. ALL requests will need to be resolved with Additionally, risk will also NOT reach out to homeowners. EverBright is the liaison between homeowners and and is the liaison between us and the installer. |
Process Overview
Step | Action | |
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3 | Was the caller’s concern(s) resolved?