New Features & Enhancements
Improved performance of proposals and contracts pulling multiple ROI metrics
Added incentive version to the incentive override modal to provide further clarity on which incentive step or version you are choosing for a given quote
Sunlight - Allow Sunlight loans to be levelized using only the ITC payment but still accept other rebates as buydowns
Added feature for users to receive an email notification after each individual signer has signed a contract to keep users fully up to date on the status of their contractsUsage and Contract phases
Added ability to use negative custom rates
Improved service product quoting experience including the experience for products such as Stable Solar and GTE
Added support for Idaho Tax Deduction
Added general support for Property Tax Exemptions
Added DocuSign username to Integrations tab to provide clarity on which account is used
We have been hard at work generally improving the stability of our platform. Some of the specific improvements are:
Improved validation of contact data to prevent errors saving
Improved validation of polygons to prevent errors saving
Improved display and saving of EE items during updates
Fixed issue where free placement panel does not turn off after exiting add panel mode
Fixed issue with switching between free and fixed placement preventing adding panels
Fixed issue with infinite invalidation (spinning)
Fixed issue with utility numbers not always updating after project changes
Always display EE sub-total in cost buildup
Prevent the ability to copy/paste dangerous html tags into customized proposals
Fixed incentives amount metrics to prevent doubling of incentive information for custom proposals specifically using the amount metricsImproved error handling on CSV’s with non-standard formats
Fixed error occuring with advanced TOU storage modeling when both shoulder rates and non-TOU rates are selected
Street view is now working for overridden addresses
Improved re-calculation of quote numbers after project changes to ensure new numbers are shown instead of marking the quote as out of date
Fixed issue with some quotes being unable to be re-quoted
Ensure organization logo (not Sighten logo) shows on pdf preview
Fixed issue with text overlap on assumptions page of some downloaded pdf’s
Fixed MFG/Model display error on remove equipment action
See our release schedule to learn more about release timing and upcoming release dates.
For questions about these improvements or anything else please reach out to our support team on chat or via or attend our weekly basic & new feature training and office hours which are a great opportunity to get your questions answered: How do I attend in person training?