Ask customer for Site UUID (and ideally collect customer name and prior job status)
Confirm in Engine that site is actually archived
Log into Engine as Sighten admin as customer user
In Engine, go to Ops. Search for “Cancelled” under Stage.
Go to Sales, select only archived under Stage
Confirm previous status of job. If customer has not provided, we will need to collect. Possible statuses are: Lead, System, and Proposal.
Open Postman
To check for Proposal, enter into Postman (replace {uuid} with Site UUID): https://engine.sighten.io/api/rest/solar_quote/?system__solarsite__uuid={uuid}. To check for workflow, confirm status “Signed” (should be in Ops portal). If status other than signed, should be in Sales portal.
To check for System, enter in Postman (replace {uuid} with Site UUID): https://engine.sighten.io/api/rest/system_system/?solarsite__uuid={uuid}
To check for Lead, enter into Postman (replace {uuid} with Site UUID): https://engine.sighten.io/api/rest/system_solarsite/{uuid}
If receive error “No results matching query parameters” and status code 200, then call was successful but job does not have that status. Move on to next status.
If you receive a data stream, then job is in that status.
Use ticket https://sighten.atlassian.net/browse/BT-423 as reference. Clone it.
Create new ticket under “Engine Bugs and Data Fixes” project. Mark as task. Leave assigned to yourself.
In ticket description for any job status, request unarchive job:
Insert site UUID and Status in appropriate places:
PUT https://{{env}}.sighten.io/api/rest/system_solarsite/{uuid}
"status": "{status}"
i.If there is a signed contract, also add to ticket the below (add site UUID):
PUT https://{{env}}.sighten.io/api/rest/solar_quote/{uuid}
"status": "SIGN"
Test this on Staging (if Archived today, go in and archive on Mirror to enable testing)
Confirm you have correct job again via GET calls. Choose appropriate environment. Body should be empty. GET call will be: For all jobs: https://{{env}}.sighten.io/api/rest/system_solarsite/{uuid} For contracted quotes: https://{{env}}.sighten.io/api/rest/solar_quote/{uuid}
Add PUT calls as above in Postman Body tab. Change header to PUT and add appropriate call to body tab. For all jobs: {"status": "{status}"} For contracted quotes: {"status": "SIGN"}
Confirm in environment that de-archive was successful.
Add note that testing was successful and what environment
Assign ticket to David
Link to your original customer request ticket, and place that ticket in “awaiting development” status.
When new ticket is closed, update customer.
NOTE: un-archive for Ops pipeline jobs is more complex, see Jira Legacy
When to use this SOP:
Use this procedure when a customer or agent cannot locate or unarchive an existing job.
Select the JSON Chrome extension link below if you have not done so before.
Info |
JSON Chrome Extension helps to parse the data. Alternatively, the Firefox browser has a built-in extension that will parse the data. |
STEP | ACTION | REFERENCE | ||||||||||
1 | Gather Required Information
| |||||||||||
2 | Locate the Site UUID
| Add the search criteria to the end of the URL using the information you've gathered.
Replace spaces with
| ||||||||||
3 | Retrieve and Copy the UUID
| ||||||||||
4 | Select the down chevron in the top-right corner and click Return to User. |
| ||||||||||
5 | Navigate to the Settings page (cogwheel icon) |
| ||||||||||
6 | Choose Support Tools from the menu on the left (bottom of the list). |
| ||||||||||
7 | Select the appropriate Object Type (Site, Project, or Quote). Be sure the UUID matches the option you seek. |
| ||||||||||
8 | Paste the UUID into the search field. | |||||||||||
9 | Click Search and then select Unarchive. |
Note |