De-archive Request SOP
Handled by: Software Support Team
When to use this SOP:
Use this procedure when a customer or agent cannot locate or unarchive an existing job.
Select the JSON Chrome extension link below if you have not done so before.
JSON Chrome Extension helps to parse the data. Alternatively, the Firefox browser has a built-in extension that will parse the data.
1 | Gather Required Information
2 | Locate the Site UUID
Logging in directly to the org will give better result.
| Add the search criteria to the end of the URL using the information you've gathered.
Replace spaces with
3 | Retrieve and Copy the UUID
4 | Select the down chevron in the top-right corner and click Return to User. |
5 | Navigate to the Settings page (cogwheel icon) |
6 | Choose Support Tools from the menu on the left (bottom of the list). | |
7 | Select the appropriate Object Type (Site, Project, or Quote). | |
8 | Paste the UUID into the search field. |
9 | Click Search and then select Unarchive. |