1.) Have them search their mailbox by sender: support@myeverbright.com or by subject: Get access to your account 24/7 or subject: Welcome to EverBright! Compete these steps to move your solar project forward.
2.) If they still can’t find the email, you can resend them their invitation. Here’s how:
Log into http://myeverbright.com using your own personal login
Click the settings icon on the upper right, then click Admin
View the first tab - Users - and search for the homeowner
Check the status of their registration
Sort the list of users (clicking the “name” header will sort the list alphabetically by last name) to find the homeowner
If it’s been claimed (accepted), suggest that the simply reset their password on the login screen
If it hasn’t yet been claimed click on the homeowner’s name to access the account information and click the ‘Resend Claim Email’ button
If the homeowner has not received the email:
Verify the email address they’re using - is the spelling correct?
If correct, follow the process here to check send status of the email in SendGrid
Note that SendGrid only keeps data for about 2-weeks - so you will only be able to check the status of a recently sent email (you can resend it to them before checking SendGrid).
If email bounced, fix it, and then resend their invitation again
If SendGrid indicates the email was sent successfully, the issue is likely on their side - have them check their spam folder
If email address is not correct, or they no longer have access to that email address, first confirm the name, address and phone number on the account. Once verified, click on the edit user tab from the customer account and update the email address.
Check Platform-Sent Email Status Using SendGrid