How to use SendGrid

How to use SendGrid

Sendgrid is our email router and provides information on the delivery status of an email.  For example, if a user says they did not receive and email we can check in SendGrid and we may find the email bounced due to a firewall.  


  • You have the user's email address

  • The email in question must have been sent within the last 3 days.  In a pinch, you can use another email sent to the same email address within the last 3 days, but that will get you more general information about whether the email address in question is receiving anything from us, rather than information about the specific email.


  1. Open SendGrid

    1. Log in with using your SLID@FPL.com as your username

    2. Click Log In with SSO:


  2. On the left-hand side, choose "Activity"

  3. Search for the email address

  4. Results:

    1. A green "Delivered" means the email was successfully delivered to the recipient's email server.  If they are still having problems, they may wish to check their spam folder or consult their IT department.

    2. A red "Not Delivered" means the email was not delivered for a variety of reasons. 

  5. If you got a red "Not Delivered", click the email to open more information.  

    1. Confirm you are looking at the correct email:

    2. Check the event history for details about why the email was not delivered.

      1. If the event history shows that the email was sent by SendGrid but was not processed by the recipient's server, find the error message and provide to the customer with suggestion that they provide to their IT Team and ensure we are whitelisted by their servers.

      2. If the event history shows that the email was never sent by SendGrid, identify the reason why (e.g. Bounces, Blocks, etc).

        1. On the main menu on the left-hand side, click Suppressions and navigate to the appropriate area based on what you found:


        2. Search for the user's email adddress

        3. Under "Reason", copy the error message that was initially received by Sendgrid and provide to the customer with suggestion that they provide to their IT Team and ensure we are whitelisted by their servers.

        4. Remove the suppression:

          1. Select the email with the checkbox

          2. In the upper right-hand corner, choose to remove the selected suppression:

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