How to process financial product requests from a customer. Below are the different types of financial requests and how they should be handled.
1. New Integrated Financing Requests
Each integrated financier has a different process. Follow the instructions for each, linked from this article: How to Process Financier and Channel Manager Partner Requests
2. New Non-Integrated (configured) Financial Products
Requirements -
- Customer should submit this request by typeform. The SS ticket will be created automatically and have the subject: "Financing Options Survey: <Org Name>" It will look something like this:
- Update the ticket's Reporter (person submitting the request), Organization (upstream org of person submitting), and Request type (company specific data change)
- First check: Do they have a Premium or Pro subscription? Only Premium and Pro accounts can request non-integrated financing
- Then check: Is the person requesting an org admin/manager for the upstream customer? Only requestors with those permissions can add financing
- Can we accommodate the product? We can model many products, but not non-integrated PACE.
- Do we have the information required to model the product? If it is a new product, ideally we will receive a rate sheet from the customer containing the product information. In lieu of a rate sheet, they will need to provide us with this information.
- Did they specify if they want their dealer feeds included?
- Do we know which products they want to quote? We can configure as many products a customer can quote, but to expedite the process they should specify the products they want quoted if they give us a rate sheet.
- If the requirements have not been met:
- Follow up with the customer to get clarification on each point needed or let them know the requirements/issue and next step
- Once all information has been gathered, or issues cleared up - proceed to the next step
- If the requirements have been met, please create a CS ticket.
- Use the automated CS ticket feature selecting "Configured Finance" from the Needs Configuration field
- Then open the CS ticket and selected assignees (refer to CS workload dashboard and select based on who has fewest tickets assigned to them), and update the Component field with the company name
- If the customer has provided any additional information, add it to the internal comments on the CS ticket
- The automatic creation of the CS ticket will send an initial request to the customer
- Make sure the SS ticket is in the Workflow status in "Needs Configuration".
- Once the CS ticket is marked done (you can see ticket status under linked issues) an automated communication will go to the customer
- If we haven't heard from the customer in one-business day, then close the ticket.
2. Modifying Non-Integrated (Configured) Financial Products Dealer Fees
- Requirements
- Is the product an integrated finance product?
- Is this an update or a new product? We can update dealer fees, but updating APR, contract-term or adding a promotional period might require a new product.
- If the requirements have not been met:
- If they are requesting a Sunlight, product update refer them to Sunlight using this process.Sunlight's solver cannot include dealer fees.
- If they are requesting updates to HDMC, Lifestyle, or PACE Funding please refer them to their support so they can discuss their pricing. Contact information can be found here.
- If the requester wants to update their Renew product, the configuration team can determine if it is possible through the API. If a customer wants to update their fees on LoanPal, this can be done on both integrated and non-integrated products.
- If they do not have a rate sheet ask them to provide one, if they cannot provide it send them this article so we can get the information we need in order to model the product.
- If they are asking for an edit, when it really should be a new product, please revert to collecting the information outlined above.
- After verifying the requirements have been fulfilled, please create a CS ticket and assign to yourself. Instructions on how to create the ticket here and instructions on the assignee here. Always ask if they want dealer fees included, if not previously specified.
- Place SS ticket in the Workflow status in "Needs Configuration".
- Complete the dealer fee changes in the CS ticket. Assign to Bogdan, Marko or Vlad depending on their workload. Instruction on how to update dealer fees are here. Workload distribution can be seen here.
- Once the ticket is UAT (you can see ticket status under linked issues) communicate to the customer their request has been fulfilled and close the ticket.
4. Sunlight New Products or Updates for Active Credit
- Requirements
- Does the request from Sunlight's underwriting team and contain a link to the onboarding sheet? We can only add or modify Sunlight products it if comes from their underwriting team (Cooper, Joseph, Michelle - see ticket SS-5906 as an example)
- If the requirements have not been met:
- If the request is not from Sunlight's underwriting team, refer to the process below.
- After verifying the requirements have been fulfilled, please create a CS ticket. Instructions on how to create the ticket here and instructions on the assignee here.
- After CS ticket is created, please assign the SS ticket to Bogdan. Bogdan will communicate with Sunlight and close out ticket.
- *Note, this is only for Sunlight configuration requests. For questions such as qualification or Tesla's integration, that should go to Bhargav.
5. Sunlight New Products or Updates for Inactive Credit
- Requirements
- Is the organization a direct Sighten client and have inactive credit? More details on this process here.
- If the requirements have not been met:
- If the request is not from a direct Sighten client nor is it from the underwriting team, refer the customer to Sunlight using this process.
- After verifying the requirements have been fulfilled, please create a CS ticket. Instructions on how to create the ticket here and instructions on the assignee here.
- After CS ticket is created, place SS ticket in the Workflow status in "Needs Configuration".
- *Note, this is only for Sunlight configuration requests. For questions such as qualification or Tesla's integration, that should go to Bhargav.