To add an energy efficiency project, select a type and also specify how to calculate the usage reduction.
Usage reduction calculation
Adding energy efficiency equipment allows you to specify the reduction savings that will be associated with a given item.
You can choose to calculate usage reduction from categorized usage or total usage. All energy efficiency equipment can only apply to one type of reduction
- Total usage is a % reduction from the overall usage, applied evenly over each month and each hour.
- Categorized usage uses government data on typical household loads to intelligently apply a % reduction to the portion of the load attributed to that item type.
- If you switch the way reduction is calculated, make sure to change the Reduction Amount % below - it should be smaller for total usage and larger for categorized usage.
Adding energy efficiency projects
To add an energy efficiency project, select a type and a model. If you do not see the right equipment, adjust your equipment settings.
Once inputs are complete, click Calculate to get usage reduction information.
You can view reduction impact using the Daily Energy Profile chart. Open this by clicking + on the shading image on the lower right, then selecting Daily Energy Profile from the list.
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