We use an application called SendGrid to send and track all emails out of our software.
Common questions from customers:
- User did not receive their user invitation
- User did not receive notification of credit results, task or milestone updates
To check if the email was sent, first go log in to Sendgrid:
URL: https://app.sendgrid.com/
Login: You should have access to the username and password via lastpass. If you do not, please request access from your manager.
Viewing Emails to a specific user:
- Click on Activity
- Search for the users email
- You can see when the email was sent and whether it was properly received based on the statuses below
- If the email was sent to spam, bounced, dropped, or had any other error status, you can hover over the i icon all the way to the right for more information
- Googling the error codes and language within the i icon can give great explanations of what went wrong, and provide good next steps for either us or the partner to resolve the issue!