Support receives a request to cancel an account. The request could come directly from the installer or from an EverBright employee or shared mail such as David Ellis ( or James and Joe (Sales/Account management).
1. Update the SS ticket:
Change Request Type to "Account Management".
Add the Account Manager, as Request Participants.
Make sure the org's name is filled in
If the request came from the customer -
Thank you for reaching out and we are sorry to see you go. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors!
Have a great day!
(Your Name)
If the request came from an internal party -
Do not send a reply and do not add customer contact information on the ticket
2. Create a linked CS ticket:
Project - Customer Success (CS)
Issue Type - task
Description - "Account Cancellation"
Before clicking Create, scroll to the bottom of the Create linked issue page and select Copy attachments
Update the Organization
Assign to Elenito Garcia Jr. or Nenad Tasic
Change Status to "Waiting for Configuration"
Notify Elenito Garcia Jr. or Nenad Tasic via Slack of a cancellation request, send a link to the ticket
Search the Jira ticket queue and close all open support tickets for the organization that is being cancelled