Whenever you submit a document for us to add or update in the EverBright platform, we will request that you test it in our OnBoard environment before we push it live. After the document has been uploaded to OnBoard, you will receive an email notification to test the document. Only after we get confirmation from you that everything is working properly, will we upload the document to our live Engine environment. The following steps explain how to test a document.
To test documents, you must go through the steps of creating a job, building a quote, and generating a contract.
Note: In order to generate a document for testing, EverBright requires that qualification is approved and legal contacts and legal addresses are filled out.
Step 1: Log in to OnBoard for Testing
Testing documents must be done in OnBoard, our testing site. Log in to OnBoard at:
You will use the same credentials (username and password) as you use for the live Engine site.
Step 2: Create a Job, Quote, and Contract
Go through the normal steps you would follow to create a project:
Enter an Address
Enter a Contact
Enter Usage information (optional for testing)
Create a Project design (optional for testing)
Generate a Quote
Step 3: Approve Credit and Qual for the Product
After going through the steps to create the job as listed in Step 2:
Go to the qualification phase for the site you created.
Click on the product you want to test documents for. Note: You will need to repeat this process for ALL products whose documents you want to test/in every context in which the documents may be used.
Then click on theCredit
button next to the product you want to test. This will open detail about the credit approval in the right column. Click theEdit
button in the Status row.
A dropdown menu will appear with different credit status options. Select
and click the green checkmark to save the credit approval status.
Scroll down in this same right menu to the Title section and click the
button in the Status row. In that dropdown menu, selectApproved
and click the green checkmark to save the Tital approval status.
When done it should look like this:
Step 4: Add Legal Contacts and Address
Remain on the Qualification phase
Click into where it says
Name & Address
in the right column. Then Click+Add
Fill out the Legal Contact section for the first (or sole) homeowner signer and set it as the
applicant in the Applicant Type field. ClickCreate
If there is a second homeowner signer, click
in the Legal Names section again and complete the information for the co-applicant. The co-signer should be set as theCo-Applicant
in the Applicant Type field. ClickCreate
Click on
on where it saysLEGAL ADDRESS
Fill out an address that will allow for the proper testing of the document. For instance, if a document is only supposed to apply to a specific state, make sure to enter an address in that state. Then click
Step 5: Generate and Review the Document
Go to Contract phase and click
+ Add Quote
to add a quote and generate a contract.Click on the
link to simply review the document
ORIf you want to test the workflow as well as the document (for instance Homeowner > Sales Representative > Contractor) click the
Send E-Sign
button to send the actual document to all listed parties. Be sure to notify all signers that this is a test and to sign it as though it were real.
Step 6: Submit Approval or Changes
Once your document has been tested, reply to the document testing email notification you received from us with your approval or any changes needed. If you request additional changes, we will make them and send you another notification to re-test the document in OnBoard. After we receive your approval, we will upload the document to our live Engine environment.