The homeowner wishes to pay off their existing account balance on their solar system. The request can either come from the homeowner requesting a payoff quote or a payoff quote can come directly from account services (if the homeowner contacted account servicing directly to obtain the quote).
If the request comes from the homeowner to support, create ticket and reply to Account Services to request a payoff quote:
We received a request for a payoff quote for [customer name and address]. Once we receive the quote, we will pass it along to our internal team for approval.
Update the SS ticket:
Update the ticket subject to “Payoff Quote - [customer name]”
Update the request type to ‘Account Management’
Update the ‘Request Participants’ field to: , Account Services and
If the request comes directly from Account Services with a pay-off statement:
Pay-off Letter (ticket) will be sent directly to Support:
Account services will email a copy of the pay-off letter to support. Pay-off Letter example:
Send for approval:
Take a screenshot of Payoff quote and attach it to the Jira ticket
Select ‘reply to customer’ and send the following note to the pricing department:
“++Pricing and Laura Miller for approval
Account Services is seeking approval for the attached pay-off quote. Please review and reply all with approval or denial of the payoff quote”
Follow up on the status of the approval daily
Once pricing approves the pay-off amount, support will reply to Account Services and the ticket can be closed