Support / Account Manager Escalation Process

Support / Account Manager Escalation Process


This document outlines the process for escalating customer support related issues to the account management team.

Standard Operating Procedure:

Support / Account Manager Escalation SOParchived


Agents will no longer communicate with Account Managers via Slack, Teams, or Email unless explicitly requested by management or per SOP. AM’s will utilize Jira to post updates in tickets where they are requested to follow up with someone from one of their accounts.

There are two ways an account manager can be added to a ticket:

  1. As a ‘watcher’ - for visibility

  2. Tagged in an internal comment - escalated

For Visibility

Under various situations, AM’s will be added as a ‘watcher'; specific SOPs will dictate when this action is required.




In cases where a response from the AM is required, the agent will populate the Account Manager field with the AM for the Organization AND the Regional Manager Field with the Regional Manager’s name. In cases where the Regional and Account Manager are the same, James Lee will be added to Regional Manager field.

A custom ‘Account Manager’ field has been created for each of the support ticket queues:

Likewise, a ‘Regional Manager’ field has been created for each of the support ticket queues:


New statuses have been created to flag tickets where an account manager has been tagged. The ‘Waiting for Account Manager’ status is to only be used when a response is required from an account manager (per SOP).

If an issue is escalated beyond the Account Manager, the ‘Waiting for Management’ status is selected. Individual SOP’s will define when it is appropriate to utilize this status. Leadership may also request to escalate issues to Management:

Ticket Priority will be assigned automatically by issue type as defined in the SOP.

When the ‘Waiting for Account Manager' status is selected, the AM’s name is populated in the Account Manager field, and the Priority is set, the ticket will populate in the Sales dashboard as an action item for the AM. Account managers will work tickets according to the ‘Priority’ status of the ticket.

In the event that the Account Manager does not respond within the required amount of time (outlined in the SOP), the agent will change the status to ‘Waiting for Management’. This will trigger an escalation to the regional manager.

Impacted SOP’s:

How to handle concerns from homeowners about their system installation Pre- PTOarchived

How to Handle Social Media Complaintsarchived

When and How to escalate Installer Complaints

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Processing "EverBright - Product Onboarding" tickets

Processing A New Channel Partner Request Ticketarchived

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