Processing installer "EverBright - Pricing Update" tickets

Processing installer "EverBright - Pricing Update" tickets

NOTE: this process if for processing tickets that come in a typform for product updates for specific installers. This is not the process to follow if a global pricing change happened and an installer needs help to revert pricing for a specific job. That process can be found here: How to handle contract signs/re-signs due to pricing updatearchived

Important: Support can only process tickets originating from David Ellis' Onboarding team i.e. if a request comes from an account manager, please have them loop in onboarding@goeverbright.com and submit the ticket according to process.

1. Product update form (ticket) will be sent directly to Support

  • The ticket will always have the subject, “EverBright - Update Pricing”

    • When the ticket comes in as a jotform, further approval is not needed

  • The ticket will include the information including:

    • Installer name

    • Installer contact email

    • Installer’s EverBright account manager

  • Exception Note - the request may come from James in an email - and not a form. Be sure all relevant information is collected from James so that you can process the ticket

2. Update the SS ticket

3. Create linked configuration ticket and modify as needed

  • Use the Needs Configuration? Automation dropdown to select Integrated Finance

    • An initial response will be automatically sent, but since installer not copied it won’t be sent to them

  • Find the automatically generated linked CS ticket (you may need to refresh your SS ticket to see the linked ticket)

  • Add Components (Contractor name)

  • Change the Epic to EverBright Configurations

  • QA Assignee - Cherish Sharma

  • Add assignee names based on workload https://sighten.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=1206

  • Add an internal comment to config with instructions if Finance approved modified pricing rather than what was originally requested

4. Account is configured (by config team)

  • Configure the product in the account according to the instructions

5. Support will close the EB Product Update ticket

  • Reply to the customer and inform them that the request has been completed

  • No need to wait 24 hours - close as soon as config is complete


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