There are two options for transferring a call in CXone
To a different skill (queue) or an agent within the skill
To another agent directly
Skills List
Credit and Title
Financing Support
General Spanish
Going Solar
Inquiries Homeowner
Inquiries Homeowner VM
Inquiries Installer
Installation Concerns
Installation Concerns VM
Licensing VM
Prequeue IVR- No Agent
Sales - Onboarding
Software Platform Support
Software Platform Support VM
Supervisor Reskill
Voicemail - No Agent
Welcome Call
Welcome Call VM
Not all Skills are connected to live queues. Make sure the queue selected has a green icon, indicating there are agents available to take the call.
Transferring a call to another Skill (queue)
While connected on the call, click the Transfer/Conf button:
Select Skills:
The Skills menu lists the queues in alphabetical order. Select the ‘Call’ button from the appropriate queue.
This will put the customer on hold while the call is transferred and the time on hold clock begins counting:
The agent has two options for the transfer:
Transfer - This is a direct ‘cold transfer’. Once selected, the transferring agent will automatically be disconnected from the call
Conference - This is a ‘warm transfer’ that will allow the transferring agent to speak to the receiving agent prior to transferring the call.
Direct Transfer
Once a transfer selection is made, select Transfer:
The customer automatically transferred to the selected queue or agent.
Conference Transfer
Once a transfer selection is made, select Conference:
This allows the transferring agent to speak directly to the receiving agent while the customer is on hold.
When the agent is ready to complete the transfer, they will select ‘Transfer’ and the customer will be transferred.
If no agent is available to receive the transfer or if the wrong queue is selected, the transferring agent has the option to select the Reskill ‘hang up’ option which will end the transfer.
If the ‘hang up' option is selected during a transfer, the customer will be taken off hold and the live call is routed back to the transferring agent.
Only click the hang up option from the Reskill menu; selecting the hang up option under the customer’s number will end the call and hang up on them.
Transferring a call to an agent in a specific Skill
From the Skills menu (above), click the > to view the agents assigned to that skill:
Select an available agent:
The customer is placed on hold. The agent has the option to ‘cold transfer’ the customer to the receiving agent by clicking the cold transfer button:
If the ‘hang up’ button is selected, the call will reroute back to the transferring agent: