Steps on how to add activity for time off/call-outs in Workforce Management (WFM).
How to add activity code for tardiness
Open the WFM application.
Click the Schedule Manager button in WFM (1). Select the date of the activity (2). Search for agent name (3). Click the agent’s working area (4).
Select Add Activity.
Select your activity code (1). Update the start time of the tardiness (2). Update the end time of the tardiness (3). Add any comments if needed (4). Click Create (5). This notifies you that the exciting schedule/activity will be replaced with the new one you are creating (6).
Please note at the bottom of the screen, it will notify you that you are overlapping shifts and/or activities.
Once the activity is created it will update to the scheduled activity code.
How to add activity code for call out or manually for time request off
Open the WFM application.
Click the Schedule Manager button in WFM (1). Click the 3-dot menu (2). Click Time Odd Management (3).
Select agent’s name from drop down menu (1). Select activity code for callout/time off (2). Select From and to date for the request (3). These checkmarks are auto populated. If you would like to uncheck them just click the check mark (4). Click Done (5).
Example below once completed.