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Background: An Interconnection Agreement (Also called Net Metering (NEM)) is now required by EverBright in M3 tasks for all PPA and Lease jobs in California to avoid Milestone rejections.


What is included in the Interconnection Agreement?

  • Utility Customer’s Signature

The interconnection Agreement must be signed by the utility customer whose name is on the utility bill. If a signature line is provided for the installer, this must be signed too.

Digital signatures obtained via DocuSign or within the utility company’s Interconnection Portals (example: PowerClerk) are accepted

  • Completed Agreement

The Interconnection Agreement and supporting documentation (If applicable) are fully executed with information about the customer and the solar installation.

Documents that are blank or partially filled out will be rejected

  • Account and Customer Identifying Information

Everbright will verify that the Interconnection Agreement corresponds with the associated EverBright project by identifying at least one of the following pieces of information:

  • Address

  • Meter #

  • Utility Account#

  • Utility Customer Name

Utilities are regulated by different governing bodies and have their own agreements, which may or may not follow a similar format. Please see guidance below for these special circumstances

If the signed Interconnection Agreement is part of the Interconnection Application (which includes details of the PV project such as address, utility customer name, system size, estimated annual production, etc.), the requirement can be met with one document.

For utilities where the utility customer-signed Interconnection Agreement is separate from the Interconnection Application (ex: SDG&E), both documents must be submitted. If the Interconnection Application is completed digitally via a utility-specific portal or PowerClerk, a “screenshot” or printout of the application is acceptable.

Where can I find Examples of Documentation by Utility?

If you need Assistance determining required documentation for a utility not listed below, please reach out to your Account Manager

  • PG&E


  • SCE


  • SDG&E

For SDG&E Customers we will need one of the items listed below in addition to the “Terms and Conditions Agreement for Net Energy Solar or Wind Electricity Generating Facilities” (Ts&Cs) signed by the utility customer (Example)

Option 1: SDG&E Agreement (See Example)

Option 2: Screenshots of the Interconnection Application within SDG&E’s Online Portal (see example) o If you completed the Interconnection Application within your own SDG&E Interconnection portal, submit screenshots (aggregated into one PDF file) of the filled-in Application (see App Approval example)

  • Pasadena Water and Power Department (PWP


  • Riverside Public Utilities

A signed Interconnection Agreement is not required for RPU. If able, provide a printout of the Interconnection Application submitted to RPU.

  • SMUD

A signed Interconnection Agreement may or may not be required by SMUD for projects under 500kW; ultimately it is at the utility’s discretion whether a specific project requires the Interconnection Agreement or not. Provide a printout of the Interconnection Application submitted to SMUD. If an Interconnection Agreement is required, provide a copy of that too. Example

  • TID

A signed Interconnection Agreement is not required for TID. If able, provide a printout of the Interconnection Application submitted to TID. Example

What are going to be the new requirements for this Milestone 3 Task?

  • All pages of a signed, fully executed Interconnection Agreement – also called a Net Metering Agreement – with signatures from both your organization and the homeowner must be uploaded to the platform before submitting for M3 approval.

  • All applicable information about the solar installation must be included in the uploaded agreement such as customer name, homeowner address, system size, etc.

  • If the homeowner's utility does not require an Interconnection Agreement, submit screenshots of the Interconnection Application (which may be called NEM Application or Net Metering Application).

If you have questions about how to complete this new California requirement for PPAs, please contact your Account Manager

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