Background: Support processes configuration requests to update customer’s account information including Equipment, Documents and more.
With the new SalesForce-Jira Integration, all requests are now managed directly within Salesforce without manually creating the ticket in Jira
We should not add any equipment for Freedom Forever downstream org/partner.
Table of Content:
Process Overview:
Step | Action | |
1 |
2 |
| Use the “Related” tab on the case to upload documents associated with the request |
3 |
4 |
| |
| (This includes closure once the Jira ticket is marked “Done”) | |
5 |
Configured Financing Options:
(Direct Financing Options Process)
Step | Action | |
1 |
Confirm any updates with the account manager (If the requested option is not available |
2 |
Incentive, Operations Products and Channel Partner Options:
(Direct Channel Partner Request process)
Step | Action | |
1 |
| Channel Partner Requests should have Cherish Sharma assigned for QA |
Equipment Options:
Step | Action | |
1 |
2 |
3 |
| If their existing inventory is large, they might already have it and missed it due to alphabetical order |
Document Options:
Step | Action | |
1 |
2 |
Completing the Salesforce Case
Step | Action | |
1 |
2 |
3 |
For channel partner requests the QA Assignee should be Cherish Sharma |
4 |
Due Dates:
5 |
| Agents should follow up in the SS ticket if needed |
6 |
| New Financing Product Form request:
Processing a New Channel Partner Request:
7 |
| |
8 |
Epic Numbers Reference:
Numbers must be entered in the CA, not the name of the Epic.
CS Workflow/Milestone Requests CS-28903
This Epic is utilized for workflow or milestone changes that will come internally from EverBright employees.
CS Installer Configurations - CS-28900
This Epic is utilized for Installer Requests
CS Incentive Requests CS-28901
This epic is for tickets related to incentives
CS Milestone Payment Requests CS-28898
This epic is for tickets related to milestone payment configurations
CS Equipment Requests CS-28897
This epic is for any equipment configurations
CS Product Rule Requests CS-28902
This epic is for any tickets where a product rule is added or adjusted
CS Onboarding CS-28899
This epic is for onboarding (partner, installer, product, etc.) related requests
CS Document Requests CS-28904
This epic is for any tickets related to documents