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Background: All homeowners are required to complete a Digital Welcome Checklist (DWC) as part of the EverBright financing process. This action is completed after they sign the contract and is listed as a requirement for Milestone 1 (M1) in the Operations phase. This process will guide you on how to handle a Traditional Welcome Call in case the homeowner fails the DWC

IMPORTANT: Do NOT OFFER a Traditional Welcome Call (unless they have failed the DWC)

  • It is okay to follow the Traditional Welcome Call path if the homeowner prefers it

    • If this is the case then please use the disposition “WC Complete - DWC refused” at the end of the interaction

Table of Contents:

Pre-Process Overview:

Use the following table to determine the next steps

IF an Installer/Sales Rep is requesting us to call back a Homeowner to complete their Welcome Call:


Locate the Homeowner’s Account in Engine to confirm if the DWC has been generated:

  • IF it Has been Generated :

    • Verify if the DWC status is “Failed” or Passed

    • IF Passed:

      • Explain to the Installer that the DWC has been sucessfully completed

    • IF Failed:

      • Schedule a Call Back Commitment

        • (If you are scheduling a Call Back make sure to adhere to the Outbound Call Time Restrictions)

        • IF the request is coming from Email or Chat reply by using the Quick Reply named as “Call Back Commitment

      • Then once you are talking with the Homeowner, ask the HO if they need us to clarify the failed questions with them

        • If Yes:

          • Clarify their questions and then WARM transfer the call to the Welcome Call Queue to complete a Traditional Welcome Call

        • IF Not:

Important: Do NOT OFFER a Traditional Welcome Call (unless they have failed the DWC)

  • It is okay to follow the Traditional Welcome Call path if the homeowner prefers it.

    • If this is the case then please use the disposition “WC Complete - DWC refused” at the end of the interaction

IF the Installer/Sales Rep is requesting a 3-way call with the Homeowner to complete the Traditional Welcome Call:

  • Gather the following Initial Information before talking to the Homeowner:

    • Installer’s Name & Organization

    • Homeowner’s Name

    • Homeowner’s Property Address

  • Then; Once you are with the Homeowner on the actual call:

    • Authenticate the Homeowner

    • Locate the Homeowner’s Account in Engine to confirm if the DWC has been generated:

      • IF NOT Generated:

        • Explain to the Homeowner that the DWC is now digital and it should be completed from their MyEverbright Portal

        • If they havent registered yet;

      • IF it has been Generated:

        • Verify if the DWC status is “Failed” or Passed

        • IF Passed:

          • Explain to the Homeowner that the DWC has been sucessfully completed

        • IF Failed:

          • Ask them if they need us to clarify the failed questions with them

            • If Yes: Clarify their questions and then WARM transfer the call to the Welcome Call Queue to complete a Traditional Welcome Call

            • IF Not: Proceed with the Executing a Traditional Welcome Call

Important: Do NOT OFFER a Traditional Welcome Call (unless they have failed the DWC)

  • It is okay to follow the Traditional Welcome Call path if the homeowner prefers it.

    • If this is the case then please use the disposition “WC Complete - DWC refused” at the end of the interaction

IF a Homeowner/Cosigner is Calling Support to complete their WC

  • Authenticate the Homeowner

  • Locate the Homeowner’s Account in Engine to confirm if the DWC has been generated:

    • IF NOT Generated:

      • Explain to the Homeowner that the DWC is now digital and it should be completed from their MyEverbright Portal

      • If they havent registered; Resend the Registration Link to the Homeowner

    • IF it has been Generated:

      • Verify if the DWC status is “Failed” or Passed

      • IF Passed:

        • Explain to the Homeowner that the DWC has been sucessfully completed

      • IF Failed:

        • Ask them if they need us to clarify the failed questions with them

          • If Yes: Clarify their questions and then WARM transfer the call to the Welcome Call Queue to complete a Traditional Welcome Call

          • IF Not: Proceed with the Executing a Traditional Welcome Call

Important: Do NOT OFFER a Traditional Welcome Call (unless they have failed the DWC)

  • It is okay to follow the Traditional Welcome Call path if the homeowner prefers it.

    • If this is the case then please use the disposition “WC Complete - DWC refused” at the end of the interaction

IF a Homeowner/Cosigner was transferred to the Welcome Call Queue by another Support Agent due to a Failed Digital Checklist attempt


IF a Support Agent is ready to complete a Call Back/Outbound Commitment

Before Calling the Homeowner verify the Following:

  • Verify if a DWC or Traditional Welcome Call has been completed succesfully and/or has been Passed in Engine:

    • IF YES:

      • Call Back will Not be required, however you must notify the Installer and let them know that the Welcome Call has been completed

    • IF NOT:

  • If Homeowner Answers:


Introduce yourself to the caller and advise the reason for the outreach:


“Hello, this is (Representative Name) Calling from EverBright. Am I speaking with (Customer’s Name)?

How are you today? We are calling to complete your Welcome Call.

The Goal of this call is to ensure that you understand the details of your solar financing agreement

  • Then

    • Verify if the DWC status says “Failed

      • IF it says Failed: Ask them if they need us to clarify the failed questions with them

        • If clarification is needed:

          • Clarify their questions and then WARM transfer the call to the Welcome Call Queue to complete a Traditional Welcome Call

        • IF clarification is NOT needed:


“Hola, Le habla (Representative Name), llamando de EverBright, Estoy hablando con (Customer’s Name)?

¿Como se encuentra el dia de hoy? Le estamos llamando para completar su Llamada de Bienvenida o “Welcome Call”

El Objetivo de esta Llamada de Bienvenida es para asegurar que usted ha entendido los detalles del acuerdo de financiamiento solar”

  • Then

    • Verify if the DWC status says “Failed

      • IF it says Failed: Ask them if they need us to clarify the failed questions with them

        • If clarification is needed:

          • Clarify their questions and then WARM transfer the call to the Welcome Call Queue to complete a Traditional Welcome Call

        • IF clarification is NOT needed:

  • If homeowner does NOT answer:

  • If Feasible; Leave a Voicemail


“Hi (Customer Name) this is (your name) from EverBright Homeowner Support. We are calling to conduct your Welcome Call.  Please give us a call back at 833-830-0475.  We are open every day from 6am to 8pm Pacific Time. We look forward to hearing from you - and welcome to EverBright!"


“Hola (customer name) le habla (agent's name) del Departamento de Apoyo al Propietario de EverBright. Estamos llamándole para completar su Llamada de Bienvenida. Por favor llámenos al 833-830-0475.  Estamos abiertos todos los días de 6am a 8pm, tiempo del Pacífico. ¡Esperamos su llamada – y bienvenido a EverBright!"

  • Then; Outcome the interaction by selecting an appropriate Welcome Call Disposition

    • Include a note with the following details:

      • [Inbound or Outbound] Welcome Call [Complete or Failed - Question # or Did Not Answer – Outbound Attempt #]

      • [Homeowner Name]

      • [Address]

Note: Welcome Call Failure Reasons can be found Here

If there have been less than 5 Outbound Attempts:

If this is the 5th Attempt:

  • Notify the Installer of our Inability to connect with the Homeowner

    • Copy the Installer’s Email Address from the “Contract” Phase

    • Navigate to Milestone 1 in the “Operations” Phase of the customer’s job

    • Click on Welcome Call Status

    • Click on Send Email

    • Add the Installer’s Email Address in “Additional Recipients

    • Add the following Custom Note:

      • Hello,

        We have made several unsuccessful attempts to contact (homeowner name) to complete the required welcome call. Please contact the homeowner and advise them to call us at 833-830-0475 to complete the call. We are available every day of the week from 9am to 11pm Eastern Time.

        Thank You,

        (Agent name)

  • Then; Stop

Process - Executing a Traditional Welcome Call:




  • Locate the Job in Engine

  • Locate the Welcome Call Documentation



  • Is the Homeowner requesting to perform the WC in Spanish?



Note: As of August 30, 2023, EverBright has started accepting Spanish Welcome Calls for Texas and California Residents Only

  • Verify if the Welcome Call Documentation has been generated in Spanish

    • IF YES:

    • IF NOT:

      • Refer the Homeowner back to their Installer since they will need to Void the Existing contract and modify the language to Spanish in order to proceed with the Welcome Call

        • Then go to M1 through “Operations” Phase in Engine:

          • Select the “Welcome Checklist” Task

          • Go to “Welcome Call Status” and click on “Send Email

          • Add the Installer’s Email Address in the “Additional Recipients

          • Under Custom Note Include the following:



EverBright attempted to conduct the welcome call with (Homeowner's name) at (Homeowner's Address) today.

We were unable to move forward with the process because the homeowner wanted to conduct the call in Spanish. Since the contract is in English, we can only proceed in English.

If the homeowner resides in TX or CA and wishes to conduct the Welcome Call in Spanish, the contract must be canceled. You will then need to cancel and re-run the prequalification and generate a new contract in Spanish. Otherwise, please speak with the homeowner about conducting the call in English and the next steps.


(Agent Name)”


  • From the “Contract
    Phase; Confirm if the Homeowner signed the Financial Agreement


NOTE: Only the Homeowner and/or Cosigner’s signature is required to complete the Welcome Call

  • It is acceptable even if the Installer and Sales Representative’s Signatures are still pending.

  • Does the customer have their EverBright Financial Contract available to refer during the call?




  • Inform the Homeowner that the Welcome Call consists of asking a brief series of questions that will require definite affirmations (Such as “Yes”, “I Agree” , “That is correct” or “No/ I Disagree”) to ensure that they understand the details of their solar financing agreement

English Script:


“The goal of this Welcome Call is to ensure that you understand the details of your solar financing agreement.

Let’s go ahead and get started. The following questions will require an answer of either a yes or no to proceed to the next question.”

Spanish Script:


“El objetivo de esta llamada de bienvenida es para asegurar que usted ha entendido los detalles del acuerdo de financiamiento solar” 

“Vamos entonces a comenzar el proceso. Las siguientes preguntas van a requerir una respuesta de si o no para poder proceder a la siguiente pregunta”  


  • Ask the Questions exactly as listed on the Welcome Call Checklist

  • A “YES” response to all questions is required to complete and pass the Welcome Call Task

  • During the Welcome Call, if the customer doesn't know their Contract ID #, direct them to the top right corner of any page in their contract.

  • If the customer is not understanding a WC question, please repeat it to ensure they fully understand

  • If the Name is Misspelled or there is a Minor Address discrepancy:

    • The Welcome Call will still be considered “Passed

If the phone number is incorrect, you can still proceed with the Welcome Call, but please note that it MUST be updated.

  • Once the Welcome Call is complete and the customer is on the line, authenticate the correct phone number by following the 4-digit code procedure

    • If Authentication Passed:

      • Navigate to “Qualifications” Phase

      • Select the “Review Name & Address Information” Tab

      • Under the “Legal Names” section, select the Edit Button and Edit the Phone number

      • Then select the Green Checkmark to finilize the update

    • If Authentication Fails:

      • Inform the customer that the Welcome Call will proceed, but they must contact us as soon as they can via email at using the same email address on record to request a phone number update.


  • Did the Homeowner Passed the Welcome Call?


Go to “Processing a Passed Welcome Call


  • Inform the Homeowner that we are not able to complete the Welcome Call and that the installer should be reaching out to them to clarify any details



(Customer’s Name) Thank you for your responses. Unfortunately, we are unable to complete the Welcome Call at this time. Please contact your installer for further details.

Thank you, and have a great day!"


"(Nombre del Cliente) Gracias por tus respuestas. Lamentablemente, no podemos completar la llamada de bienvenida en este momento. Por favor, contacta a tu instalador para más detalles.

¡Gracias y que tengas un excelente día!"

If they failed the WC because the Email Address needs to be changed and the contract has been signed

  • Then the workflow in Engine will need to be canceled (If cancellation is applicable) and new contract generated

  • NCCO will not be applicable to update the Email Address

Processing a Passed Welcome Call:




  • Locate and download the Welcome Call Audio File from CXone

    • Save the file using the following naming convention:

      Customer First Name_Last Name> Date of Call (MM-DD-YYYY)>initials of support representative performing the call:

The audio file may take a few minutes to become available, so please allow up to 5 minutes for the recording to be accessible.

(Click Here to see how to locate and download the Welcome Call Audio)

  • Is the Recording Available for Download?




  • If Recording is not available yet;

Add into the Reminder Description:

  • Link to the Job in Engine

  • Homeowner’s Name and Address

  • CXone ID

Once you are able to finally locate the call and download it

  • End the Reminder and Stop

If the call is not available by the end of your shift; Schedule a NEW reminder to the OB skill with all the previous information and notify your supervisor


  • If Recording was available:

    • Upload the Welcome Call Audio file to the customer’s job in Engine

ONLY passed welcome calls will be uploaded to Engine

  • Navigate to Milestone 1 (M1) in the “Operations” Phase of the customer’s job

    • Click on the Welcome Call Task

    • Toggle the Attestation/Welcome Call Checklist button to “True

    • Click the recording upload and upload the MP4 file to the platform


  • Leave a Comment on the Engine Platform

    • Navigate to the “Operations” Phase

      • Select the Welcome Call Task

      • Select on the “History” Tab

      • Select Public

      • Input Comment using the following matrix:


IF Customer Passed:

  • “Welcome Call Completed-(Date Completed) (Your Initials)”

IF Customer Passed but there was a misspelling in the homeowner’s name or minor address discrepancy:

  • “Welcome Call Completed using the Original Welcome Call Checklist - (Date Completed) (Your Initials)”


  • After posting the Comment email the Homeowner’s Installer

    • Copy the Installer’s Email Address from the “Contract” Phase in the Homeowner’s Job

    • Navigate to Milestone 1 in the “Operations” Phase of the Customer’s Job

    • Click on Welcome Call Status

    • Click on Send Email

    • Add the Installer’s Email Address in “Additional Recipients

  • Add a Custom Note to the installer based on the following Matrix and click send

  • If the Customer Passed:


Our Homeowner Support team has completed the requested Welcome Call for [Customer Name]. A copy of the Welcome Call has been uploaded to the client's profile. Once all other required items are completed in Milestone One the Welcome Call and other items can be submitted for review.

We hope you have a great day!

(Agent Name)

  • If the Customer passed but there was a small misspelling in the homeowner’s name or address discrepancy:


This email is to notify you that the Welcome Call for [customer name and address] was completed; however, the customer’s [enter incorrect information (i.e. name was misspelled)]. Please complete a No Cost Change Order (NCCO) to correct the information.

Please contact us if you have any questions at 833-830-0475 or send an email to

Thank you,

(Agent name)


  • Outcome the interaction by selecting an appropriate Welcome Call Disposition

    • Include a Note with the following details:

  • [(Inbound/Outbound) Welcome Call Completed]

  • [Homeowner’s Name]

  • [Address]

Processing a Failed Welcome Call:

Homeowners will have 2 opportunities to Complete/Pass the Welcome Call.

  • If they fail the second attempt, the job will be canceled and a new contract will be necessary

Frequent Call Failure Reasons:

 Click Here
  • The homeowner answers “NO” to a question that requires a “YES” to proceed.

  • The email address on the WC checklist is incorrect or they are using someone else’s email address.

  • The installer is coaching the homeowner in the background.

  • The homeowner is unable to conduct the call as a result of an unsupported language type.

  • The finance terms are incorrect.

If Homeowner Fails the WC because the Email Address needs to be changed and the contract has been signed

  • Then the workflow in Engine will need to be canceled (If cancellation is applicable) and new contract generated

  • NCCO will not be applicable to update the Email Address




  • Is this the 1st or 2nd Attempt?

1st Attempt:

2nd Attempt:


  • Leave a Comment on the Engine Platform

    • Navigate to the “Operations” Phase

      • Select the Welcome Call Task

      • Select on the “History” Tab

      • Select Public

      • Input the following comment

        • The homeowner failed the Welcome Call on (question #), please reach out to the customer to review this along with any additional questions they may have regarding their contract or the Welcome Call.



  • Copy the Installer’s email address from the contract phase in the homeowner’s job.

  • Navigate to Milestone 1 in the Operations phase of the customer’s job.

  • Click on Welcome Call Status

  • Click on Send Email

  • Add the Installer's email address in Additional Recipients

  • Add the following custom Note and click send

  • Then Go to Step 5


This email is to notify you that the Welcome Call for [Customer Name and Address] was rejected for the following question, [question that failed]. Please review the Welcome Call questions with the homeowner to ensure that they have a clear understanding of the terms of their solar agreement.

Please contact us if you have any questions at 833-830-0475 or send an email to

Thank you,

(Agent Name)


  • If this is the 2nd Attempt and they failed

    • Navigate to the Operations Phase of the Job

    • Click on the Welcome Checklist TASK

    • Select on History

    • Select Public

    • Add the following comment:

      • “The Welcome Checklist and the Welcome Call for (Customer’s Name) at (Address) was rejected for the following question: (Question(s) that failed). The Job Will be Cancelled


  • Go to the “Operations” Phase and Cancel the Workflow

    • Include as the Cancellation Reason: “2nd Welcome Call Attempt Failed”

  • Then Go to Step 5



  • Outcome the interaction by selecting an appropriate Welcome Call Disposition

    • Include a Note with the following details:

  • Then Stop

  • [(Inbound/Outbound) Welcome Call Failed - Question# or Did not Answer- Attempt#]

  • [Homeowner’s Name]

  • [Address]

Re-Sending a Copy of the Homeowner’s Signed Contract




  • Log in to DocuSign using your EverBright credentials.

  • Select “Manage” found on the top banner.


  • Select “Shared Envelopes” found on the left-hand menu section.


  • Select the “EverBright Financing” radio button.


  • Select “Sent” found on the left-hand menu section


  • Type the homeowner’s name into the search bar.

  • Select the carrot menu to the right of the command.

  • Select “Forward”


  • Enter the homeowner’s name and email (can be found in the Contact phase in the EverBright Engine Platform)

  • Select “Send” in the bottom right corner.

  • Continue/ Go Back with “Executing a Traditional Welcome Call

4 Digit Code Procedure:





Send the homeowner an email from the HO Outbound

  • Use the email address from the contract phase in Engine

  • Use the 4 Digit Code Quick reply in CXone


Enter any random four-digit number into the quick reply


Be sure to take note of the number you send to the homeowner. They will need to read it back to you to verify.


Confirm with the customer that they receive the email and ask them to read back the 4 digit code.


If the customer is able to confirm the code you can proceed with the phone number by following the “Updating Homeowner Information (Engine)” Process


If the customer does not receive the email, or is unable to confirm the code, they will need to submit their phone number update request by emailing us from the email address on file at

Click Here to Go Back to the Main Process

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