Background The revenue protection department is responsible for managing and safeguarding the company’s financial interests by addressing various billing and payment issues, particularly those related to delinquencies and non-payment scenarios
In other words; This department focuses on minimizing revenue losses through proactive management or high risk accounts, Ensuring that the company recovers outstanding payments while adhering to legal and procedural standards
This involves close collaboration with other departments such as legal , and customer service, to handle sensitive cases effectively and efficiently
If you need to follow up on a Case Assignment that is being handled by the Revenue Protection department, you can tag the following people in the chatter for a quick response:
Ashlyn Brulato and Alexis Simmons
If there’s still no reply within 48 hours tag Mark Fredericks (Unlicensed) to follow up with them
Table of Contents:
Revenue Protection Key Responsabilities:
| |
| Handling Accounts that have become past due and implementing strategies to recover outstanding payments. These can include foreclosures, deceased or bankrupt homeowners. |
| |
| Monitoring and processing cancellations that affect the company’s revenue stream |
| Adjusting accounts based on installer hardships or homeowner financial hardships that may affect billing or payment structures |
When should I escalate to Revenue Protection? (based on specific Scenarios): | |
Financial Hardship | This Includes medical concerns, Loss of income, etc.
Catastrophes | After Documentation, if a PPA also after O&M Review
(PPA) Request to Defer/Waive Payments | Only after O&M review, Giftcard offer, and if it goes to a public media complaint
Account Disposal Request | Only after following other SOP’s
Payment Reinstatement Request |
(PPA) System Difficulties | Only After O&M review, Giftcard offer, and if it goes to a public media complaint
Payment Modification (M3 Approved)
Step | Action | |
1 |
2 |
| If RIC:
3 |
4 |
Unresponsive to attempts from Omnidian/Installer/System medding, Internet Connection) |
Hello (homeowner name), The review of your payment (deferment/pause) request has been completed. Our service team has advised they have been trying to notify and resolve this issue with you since ___. Due to this, we are unable to approve your request for payment modification. However, we do want your system to be operational, so please confirm your best contact information so we can tell our service team. Thank you
4 |
| 0-3 Months
Up to 3 Months
Reply to the homeowner with the following: Hello (homeowner name), The review of your payment (deferment/pause) request has been completed. We are pleased to inform you that we can offer a giftcard for X months you were confirmed not producing. The giftcard can be redeemed at over 200 shops and will emailed to you within 5 business days. In addition to this giftcard, you also have your PPA Production Guarantee that will credit you every 2 years if you are underproducing. Thank you |
Payment Reinstatement Request (M3 Approved)
Step | Action | |
1 |
Add all pertinent information from the homeowner and the reason they are requesting to resume payments DO NOT share this Email Address with the customer |
2 |
Hello (customer name), We have noted your concerns and request for resuming payments. Unfortunately, we are unable to approve your request until fully approved and should remain paused/deferred. Thank you |
Account Disposal Request (M3 Approved)
Action | |
Cancellation (Or RIC 1.0) | Duplicate Account |
If necessary:
| Typically seen with a home sale process error where the original account is not disposed and both the buyer and seller are being billed.
Financial Hardship (M3 Approved)
Action | |
Request Coming from Homeowner | Request Coming from Launch |