Data Fix Ticket Guidelines
When to use a Data Fix ticket: if some change has been made that effects jobs going forwards but existing jobs are not updated → a datafix ticket can be used to apply changes to existing objects
Data Fix tickets are created in the EverBright Application (APP) project, as type = Task. Assign to the appropriate point of contact from the Product teams (Support - Product Points of Contact + Bug Assignment )
As Background information, describe the change that has occurred & when it went live (provide the Date at a minimum, Date and exact Time preferred)
Provide clear requirements on what the dev team needs to do: what is the requested "fix" / exactly what data should be changed?
Provide the technical teams as much information as possible to determine the impacted workflows
List of products affected
Do completed jobs need to be updated? Cancelled jobs?
Do approved milestones need to be updated? Or only unapproved?
Here is a reference DataFix ticket that can be used as an example: