Data Fix Ticket Guidelines

Data Fix Ticket Guidelines

When to use a Data Fix ticket: if some change has been made that effects jobs going forwards but existing jobs are not updated → a datafix ticket can be used to apply changes to existing objects

Data Fix tickets are created in the EverBright Application (APP) project, as type = Task. Assign to the appropriate point of contact from the Product teams (Support - Product Points of Contact + Bug Assignment )

  • As Background information, describe the change that has occurred & when it went live (provide the Date at a minimum, Date and exact Time preferred)

  • Provide clear requirements on what the dev team needs to do: what is the requested "fix" / exactly what data should be changed?

  • Provide the technical teams as much information as possible to determine the impacted workflows

    • List of products affected

    • Do completed jobs need to be updated? Cancelled jobs?

    • Do approved milestones need to be updated? Or only unapproved?



Here is a reference DataFix ticket that can be used as an example: https://goeverbright.atlassian.net/browse/APP-3722