What does MyProposal look like and what is the homeowner experience?

What does MyProposal look like and what is the homeowner experience?


All accounts have the EverBright MyProposal template available to use by default. To start using MyProposal, a user with Organization Administrator permissions can create at least one copy of the EverBright Proposal template to use and/or customize.

With the new MyProposal, homeowners have a much more interactive experience. MyProposal is easy to access, and can be shared with homeowners in three ways:

  • a web link

  • e-mail with an included/embedded web link

  • a PDF file - delivered via email or hard copy

The web-based experience offers seamless proposal navigation through the left and right arrow buttons found on the proposal preview. They can also use the table of contents found on the left panel to revisit a specific page of interest.

The proposal is also made more dynamic and engaging through clickable and moving elements. Web proposals are best viewed on laptops and can also be viewed on tablets or other mobile devices.

Examples of the EverBright MyProposal and two-page proposal templates are shown below. The MyProposal templates can showcase 1-3 quotes, while the two-page template can showcase one quote.

MyProposal example

Here are the pages included in the EverBright Proposal template. This example has two quotes included: cash and loan. You can also view this example here: Your Solar Proposal - Example.pdf

Welcome / cover page:

Utility cost overview:

Your system: production vs consumption:

Savings Option: a comparison:

Quote details

This page includes payments, savings, and other quote-specific information - note that this page varies by financing type, e.g. cash, loan, PPA. Since this proposal template can house up to three quotes, please note that to view the other quote options, you can toggle over to other Option tabs. For example, Option B as shown below.

Cash Flows 

This shows cash flows of utility bills, solar bills, incentives, and savings - note again that the Option B toggle is used to see the other quote options included in the proposal.

Environmental impact and savings:

Next steps

This sets the homeowners expectations on what the next steps would be.

Assumptions used in the proposal:

Refer a friend
This section is for referrals that can be sent in to your company:

These are the standard MyProposal pages. EverBright also has a 2-page proposal template, as shown below.

MyProposal 2-page example

The 2-page MyProposal template has a welcome page and a single page for all proposal information. The two-page template is designed to showcase a single quote - you cannot add more than one quote to this template.

When downloaded as a PDF, the 2-page MyProposal is in portrait orientation instead of landscape.

Your company can always customize pages or create new templates. See our related articles below to learn how!

Related articles

Check out these related articles on using EverBright's MyProposal: