How do I generate a new MyProposal in the quote tool?

How do I generate a new MyProposal in the quote tool?


All accounts have the EverBright MyProposal template available to use by default. To start using MyProposal, a user with Organization Administrator permissions can create at least one copy of the EverBright Proposal template to use and/or customize.

To generate a new MyProposal in the quote tool, confirm that you have the right MyProposal template selected and then generate the proposal.

You have the option to click Generate Proposal if a MyProposal template is already your company's default proposal.

You'll be able to confirm the template selected by default on the upper left part of the Proposal phase. It is below the Proposal preview. On the screenshot below, the default proposal template used is EverBright Proposal.

You can switch templates by selecting Change Template, or you can also click on the Preview, and a pop up window showing other template options will appear.

On the screenshot above, we then switch to the Two Page Proposal Template. This was selected by clicking on the template Preview. Then, to proceed, click Save,

Once changes are saved, you'll be then lead to the main quote page. You'll see here that the Two Page Proposal is now selected.

You may now click Generate, and a proposal using the new template selected will be generated.

On the right side of the Generate button, you can see other proposal options. The new proposal can be previewed in email and the web browser, or the link can be copied to be sent to the homeowner without using the automated email functionality.

If you do not see a MyProposal template in the View Proposals menu, contact a user at your company that has Organization Administrator permissions so a MyProposal template can be setup for your company. You can find more about this here: How do I get started with my company's new customized MyProposal?

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