Sometimes customers write into support asking for additional or follow-up configurations after the initial configuration is completed. Below is an outline of how to handle some of these common scenarios.
If the request WAS included in the initial typeform submission but missed:
Re-open the closed CS ticket
Mark it as Config error, this ticket - our mistake
Place the ticket back into status to-do
Comment in the ticket the configuration that was missed
If the request WAS included in the initial typeform submission but done incorrectly:
Re-open the closed CS ticket
Mark it as Config error, this ticket - our mistake
Place the ticket back into status to-do
Comment in the ticket the configuration that was completed in error
If the request WAS included in the initial typeform submission but the customer wanted something different:
Re-open the closed CS ticket
Mark it as Config error, this ticket - miscommunication
Place the ticket back into status to-do
Comment in the ticket the configuration that needs to be changed
If the request WAS NOT included in the initial typeform submission but is related closely to the configuration completed:
i.e. editing the same products, document template etc.
Clone the original CS ticket
Mark it as Config error, linked ticket - miscommunication
Place the ticket back into status to-do
Comment in the ticket the configuration that needs to be done
If the request WAS NOT included in the initial typeform submission and is not related to the configuration completed:
i.e. they’re responding to a financing product ticket with a request for document template changes.
follow the SOP here: Response to Customer Direct Configuration requests