Background: Support might receive interactions coming from Installers asking for the removal of Liens placed by EverBright to the Installers
When an Installer contacts us requesting the removal of a Lien or questioning why it was placed follow these steps:
Step | Action |
1 | | letting | installer know | Kindly request the Installer to send a copy of the Lien in question
Mention that if we don’t receive the requested lien copy within 2 business days. The case may be closed and they will need to contact us again to create a new caseLet them know we will be sending an email requesting a Copy of the Lien. and all they need to do is reply with the attached copy |
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3 | Info |
Contact Name: Primary Reason: |
| ComplaintsSecondary Reason: Case Description: |
| the Case Source: Image Added
Note |
NOTE: If you do not receive the requested Lien Copy within 2 Business days, Close the Case and note that no response was received |
4 | | Also Panel |
panelIconId | atlassian-check_mark |
panelIcon | :check_mark: |
bgColor | #FFFFFF |
| If you are a Back Office Agent Receiving this Email response and you are NOT the Original Agent, please remember the following: IF the system shows the Original Agent as Available (🟢) or Busy (🟡): IF the system shows the Original Agent as Unavailable (🔴) or Logged Out (🔘): |
5 | | Image Added |
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