Auto-Proposals (Beta)

Auto-Proposals (Beta)

This feature is currently in beta testing. Contact your Account Manager if your Organization is interested in participating in the Auto-Proposal beta group.

What are Auto-Proposals?

The Auto-Proposal tool makes it easy to design and quote a new project and create a proposal within minutes. Just insert an address, select an Auto-Proposal template, and click Run. Auto-Proposal does the rest. Watch a demo here:

What are Auto-Proposal Templates?

Auto-Proposal templates are the set of inputs used to create your automated proposal. While setting up your account to participate in the beta test, we will help you set up your templates.

Templates are configured in Settings and composed of market templates, project templates, quote templates, and proposal templates. If an Auto-Proposal template is available for a certain address, depending on the configured Market Templates for your account, an Auto-Proposal option will display in the Address Phase of the job. Click Run to use that Template.

What do the different types of templates do?

  • Market Template - Defines a region utility territory. Can be set up by states, utilities, or zip code.

  • Project Template - Defines project design inputs including equipment, offset range, azimuth, and battery requirements.

    • You can have up to three projects in one Auto-Proposal template.

  • Quote Template - Defines the quoting inputs including the financing product, quoting method, escalator or interest rate, contract term, and adders.

    • You can have up to three quote templates per project in an Auto-Proposal template.

  • Proposal Template - Defines the proposal template used when generating the auto-proposal. This will default to your default Proposal template in Proposal Settings.

How do I create a Market Template?

Market templates are used to determine the geographic areas where an Auto-Proposal template is available.

  1. In Settings, go to Workflow Settings, Market Templates tab.

  2. Click add Market and name your market.

  3. Use the options in Market template to define which regions Auto-Proposal templates should be made available.

    • Note: If you have no differentiation on how Auto-Proposal templates should be made available, simply add the States you sell in to ensure an Auto-Proposal is available.

How do I create or edit a Project Template?

  1. In Settings, go to Project Phase, then Project Templates tab.

  2. To create a new project template, click Add Project.

  3. To edit an existing project template, click edit on the project template.

    • Note: if you use design desk, do not edit existing project templates that are used by your team for design desk requests!

  4. Edit the project fields in the template. We recommend using default equipment for Module and Inverter.

    • Shading Fallback is not used by Auto-Proposal and can be disregarded.

  5. To add battery, toggle on Do you want to add storage to the project? and adjust the battery inputs as needed.

    • Toggle off Backup Capabilities if you intend on using Auto-Proposal for PowerShift (CA only).

Note: Do not toggle Do you want to add energy efficiency to the project? “On” for Auto-Proposal. Auto-Proposal does not support this.

How do I create or edit a Quote Template?

  1. In Settings, go to Quote Phase, then Quote Templates tab.

  2. To create a new quote template, click Add Quote Template.

  3. To edit an existing quote template, click into the quote template you’d like to edit.

  4. In editing mode, name your quote template and select the Financing Product.

    1. The financing product will determine which quote input fields are available.

  5. Complete the remaining required fields.

  6. Toggle Cost Build up “On” if you’d like to add Adders or quote using the Cost Build Up quoting method.

How do I create a new Auto-Proposal template?

Note: You can have up to three projects in each Auto-Proposal template. Each Project can have up to three quotes. If you run an Auto-Proposal template with more than one project or quote, all will be created in the same Auto-Proposal run (pending successful creation). The more you add to a template, the longer an Auto-Proposal request will take.

  1. Ensure your desired Market, Project, and Quote Templates are created.

  2. Go to Workflow Settings and Design Desk Templates tab.

  3. Click Add Template and check off the Auto-Proposal checkbox

    • The Auto-Proposal checkbox ensures your template displays as an option to run Auto-Proposal in the address phase.

  4. Select your Market

  5. Select your Project Template and Quote Template. You can add up to three Quote Templates per Project Template Template. This means three quotes will be created on your proposal.

    • Important! Ensure your Quote Template uses a Financing Product that is compatible with the Project Template you selected.

    • For example:

      • If your Project Template has a battery, do not add non-battery financing product. Only Plus/PowerShift or Cash products will work.

      • If your Project Template has a battery and does not include backup capabilities, do not add EverFixed or EverFlex Plus.

  6. Proposal Template will automatically be set to your default proposal template. Feel free to change it for a more customized Auto-Proposal!

  7. If you’d like to add a second project to your Auto-Proposal template, click Add Project, and then select a different project template and a quote template(s).

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