Background: A customer contacts Support and indicates that a mechanical lien has been placed on their home
IF Customer is contacting due to a LGCY Mechanic Lien (Click Here)
A mechanics Lien is placed on a customer’s home because the work has not been completed at all or was not completed correctly
Refer the customer to their contract to contact their organization If the following criteria is met:
If the Suborg/Sales Rep contacts Everbright regarding liens
If they are threatening to place a Lien
Or If they state they have not been paid
If the Homeowner contacts Everbright stating that they received a preliminary Lien Notice, please refer the homeowner to the CSLB Website (,contract%20and%20the%20Preliminary%20Notices)
Also; Provide the Homeowner with a copy of the CSLB Homeowner’s Guide to preventing Mechanics Liens (
If an agent is notified by a customer that a lien has been placed on their home, the agent should reply:
“Thank you for contacting Everbright support regarding the lien that has been placed on your home. As you may know, [Org] provided the equipment contemplated by your agreement with [Org].
EverBright is no longer working with [Org]. As we no longer work with [Org], we are unable to assist in the removal of the lien. Please contact [Org] directly to understand your unique circumstances.
Thank you,
(Agent name)”
LGCY Mechanic Liens
As of January 15, 2025, LGCY has 371 jobs in Illinois that received Mechanics liens from CED due to falling behind on their payments. We are working with them to figure out next steps regarding paying CED and getting the liens removed.
If you receive any of these interactions regarding LGCY ; Let the customer know that we are aware of the situation and we are working with the installer on a plan to remove the Lien as Soon as Possible