Background: Support might receive interactions coming from Installers asking for the removal of Liens placed by EverBright to the Installers
These liens were originally placed on the RIC’s due to the absence of an “Authoritative Copy” in DocuSign before the first financing in 2023
When an Installer contacts us requesting the removal of a Lien or questioning why it was placed follow these steps:
Step | Action | |
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Let them know we will be sending an email requesting a Copy of the Lien. and all they need to do is reply with the attached copy
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Contact Name:
Primary Reason:
Secondary Reason:
Case Description:
Case Source:
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NOTE: If you do not receive the requested Lien Copy within 2 Business days, Close the Case and note that no response was received and then Stop
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If you are a Back Office Agent Receiving this Email response and you are NOT the Original Agent, please remember the following:
IF the system shows the Original Agent as Available (🟢) or Busy (🟡):
IF the system shows the Original Agent as Unavailable (🔴) or Logged Out (🔘):
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