How do I edit how different types of financing are shown in the proposal?

How do I edit how different types of financing are shown in the proposal?


All accounts have the EverBright MyProposal template available to use by default. To start using MyProposal, a user with Organization Administrator permissions can create at least one copy of the EverBright Proposal template to use and/or customize.

The quote details are displayed differently based on the financing type: cash, loan, lease, PPA, or PACE. You can use the proposal settings editor to view or change how each financing type will be displayed.

Edit how financing types are shown

On the quote details page, you can use the product type toggle partway down the page to switch between product types and view how each will be displayed. Some product types have several options listed in a dropdown.

Click Edit to edit the page for a given product type. Here's how the page would look like after clicking the edit button:

On the screenshot above, the Cash option was selected before we clicked Edit. After clicking Edit, the page becomes locked on the last Financing option selected (Cash). Click Save or Cancel at the top of the page to save or exit edit mode and switch to another financing type.

When you are out of edit mode, toggle to another type of financing then click Edit to enter edit mode for that financing type. Here is edit mode for Loan, for example:

Proposal disclaimers

If you sell any financing that requires a specific disclaimer on the homeowner proposal, you can make sure the appropriate disclaimer is shown. Proposal disclaimers can be set up for specific products. Reach out to support@goeverbright.com if you want to update any of your products and let them know what disclaimer text you want to appear for specific set of products in your account.

Then, add the "Proposal Disclaimers" metric to the important pages, e.g. the Savings Options or the Quote Details page.

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