Notices to EB partners re: removal of integrated financing

Notices to EB partners re: removal of integrated financing

Background: We sent notices to a select number of EverBright approved partners advising them that they will have configured financing removed from their accounts next month. Products will also be removed from their downstream partners.


1.) What do I do if they want updates to their financing or add new financing?

  • Before the deadline: Please continue to process configured-financing related tickets for them as usual until the deadline we’ve given them.

  • After the deadline: Please remind them that they no longer have access to configured financing in their accounts

Your organization no longer has access to configured financing products as of (enter date). EverBright is your exclusive financing partner on the software platform and we look forward to continuing to add value and improve your solar design and financing experience.”


Your name

2.)What if the org admin is angry and/or not satisfied with your response?

Please respond that we will have their account manager reach out to them to discuss. Then tag the account manager in a slack on the sales slack channel to reach out to the installer.

Name of orgs this impacts by month of notice and effective date of change

Orgs noticed in Aug about removal of conf financing in Septarchived

Orgs noticed in Sept about removal of configured financing in Novarchived




Notice to certain partners about upcoming removal from platform; account deactivationarchived