Add Branding to the Proposal

Add Branding to the Proposal

Users with Admin permission and edit access to settings can add and update their organization’s branding to the proposal template.

Check out this quick demo video:

What is your Organization’s branding data?

  • Your Organization’s logo

  • Your Organization’s branding colors, found in the Branding tab of Organization settings.

  • Your About Us content and logos, found in the Module Customization tab within Proposal settings

  • Your Testimonials, found in the Module Customization tab within Proposal settings

To learn how to customize your About Us and Testimonials, please review the Customize the Proposal Template article.

Branding Settings

Go to Settings, then Organization Settings, and you will see the new Branding tab where admin users can add a logo and brand colors to their proposal template.

Upload a Logo

On the Branding tab, click on the logo to upload a new horizontal logo.


Set your organization’s Primary, Secondary, Accent, and Button colors. Or switch back to the default colors by toggling “on” the Use Default Colors button.

See how the brand colors will appear on the Proposal using the Module Preview window.


Branding data included in Data Sync 

Branding data is stored and synced by turning on Data Sync, located on the Partnerships in Organization Settings. Turning Data Sync ON makes it easy for your exclusive downstream partners to use your organization's branding in their proposals. 

Branding data includes the organization's logo and colors (found in the Branding tab). It will also sync the About Us text, Certification, Award logos, and Testimonials when we release those features in the coming months. 

Please check your partnerships in Organizations Settings to reference which partnerships have Data Sync turned ON. 

Read Channel Partners Exclusivity and Data Sync for more information on how Data Sync works.

How Data Sync works with branding data: 

There are three partnership settings options within Organization Settings on the Partnerships tab:  

  • Exclusive 

  • Data Sync 

  • Allow Downstream to Edit Synced Settings 

Exclusive Partnerships:  

When creating a new Exclusive partnership, if Data Sync is turned ON and Allow Downstream to Edit Synced Settings is also turned ON, your organization branding data will sync one time when the partnership is created.

A “Strict Partnership” is an exclusive partnership with Data Sync is ON, and Allow Downstream to Edit Synced Settings is NOT turned on. In this partnership, the branding data will continuously sync downstream when changes are made upstream.

If the upstream organization updates the data on the Branding tab, like updating the logo or brand colors, that new branding data will sync for their existing downstream partners.

In Strict Partnerships, the branding data will appear locked for downstream partners, so they can't edit branding data like the logo or brand colors or create, edit, or delete testimonials.



Non-Exclusive Partnerships:  


Please be aware that turning data sync on will overwrite the branding data of the non-exclusive downstream org.  

When creating a new non-exclusive partnership, if Data Sync is turned ON, your organization branding data will sync one time when the partnership is created. Non-exclusive partnerships do not have the option to ‘Allow Downstream to Edit Synced Settings’ as the downstream org will already have access to edit.  

More Proposal Training

Access and manage the new Proposal Template on the Proposal Phase in Settings.

Customize the Template using new Sections and Modules in the Proposal Builder.

Start Using the New Proposal after adding branding and customizing your template.

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