New Features & Enhancements
Dashboard / Pipelines
We know that finding your deals and ensuring you are taking the best next steps is super important! To help you with this, we have completed the following enhancements:
- Ability to show and hide filters
- Email notifications for any follow-ups at any time you would like to receive the reminder
We have made multiple improvements to the usage:
- Additional Electric Vehicle details such as model are now collected for increased accuracy in usage modeling
- Updating the utility will now update the defaulted utility rate escalator
We have made multiple improvements to the project design experience to increase the accuracy of production calculations:
- Increased limit on production override
Cost buildup
Ensuring you get all of the detailed costs correct for your quote is very important and we are working to make it easier for you every day. Improvements from this release include:
- Display signed contract data in the quote summary so you can compare your current project setup to the data used in the contract
- Improved margin % limits to ensure you can create quotes with a margin up to and including your limit
- Improved Rhode Island PBI calculations
- Ability to include SREC's in the loan prepayment automatically
- Improved loan buydown calculation to include only incentives received in year 1
- Improved cash product formula to ensure any upfront payments are included in the install cost and not in addition to the install cost
- Fixed issue with savings % display in quote table
- Added numbers and contract signed information to the quote dropdown to ensure choosing the correct quote to proceed with is fast and easy
- Fixed issue with initial contract date in contracts
- Improved experience of saving org data to ensure data saves the first time
- Increased character limit on organization name
Release 07/25/2019
See our release schedule to learn more about release timing and upcoming release dates.
For questions about these improvements or any others please reach out to our support team on chat or via support@sighten.io