How do I add comments to a milestone?

How do I add comments to a milestone?

It's easy to add comments to a milestone in the Operations phase. Navigate to the Operations phase within an EverBright project to begin.

After selecting the relevant milestone (Sales Requirements shown here), be sure to select “Milestone Feed”. This will display any existing comments as well as the field for writing a new one.

Simply click into the comment text box, enter the desired comment, and select the blue “Comment” button to publish.


After publishing a comment, it will display below the “Add Comment” field.

Note that users can determine the intended “Audience” for their comments. Select the dropdown menu adjacent to “Audience” to change the comment designation from “Public” (anyone with access to the project) to “Private” (exclusively members within your organization with access to the project and Operations phase) before publishing the comment composed in the text box.

Private comments will display in the “Milestone Feed” as well, and are noted as “Private” in the feed.

Note that published comments can be edited or deleted - to delete a comment, select the trashcan icon on the relevant comment and confirm deletion through the modal.

To edit an existing comment, select the pencil icon highlighted in orange.

A text box will appear with the comment as it was published - edit accordingly, and select the blue “Save” button to confirm changes.

Note that editing functionality is the exact same for both public and private comments, and that the “Public” vs. “Private” designation can be changed while editing - select the highlighted carrot next to the current status of the comment to change between the two statuses.

Lastly, note that users will only see an edit and delete option for comments they have written i.e. users cannot edit or delete automated EverBrightBot messages and comments by other users.

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