How can I cancel a workflow?

How can I cancel a workflow?

Cancelling a workflow will allow for users to view information associated with the quoted workflow and download associated documents, but no further actions can be taken within milestones or tasks, any documents out for signature will be automatically voided, and the associated quote cannot be added to a contract. Don’t worry, though - it’s just as easy to restore the workflow as it is to cancel it, should there be a change of plans. Read on below for instructions on how to dictate milestones as cancellable and how to utilize (and revert) the cancel function in EverBright projects.

EverBright configuration has access to designate milestones in the Operations Phase to allow for a cancel option for users with submitter approval. This can be set on a per milestone basis. To request updates to your operations workflows, click here.

Cancelling a workflow in the Operations Phase:

  1. Navigate to the Operations Phase of an EverBright Project.

    1. Ensure a quote is selected in the left-hand menu.

  2. Note the red “Cancel Workflow” button in the bottom left - select to cancel the workflow.

  3. A “Cancel Workflow” modal will open.

  1. Heed the warning and ensure you wish to cancel the workflow.

  2. Cite a reason for cancellation in the text box.

  3. Select confirm.

    1. If a reason has been stated and the blue “Confirm” button remains null, the milestone has not been selected for “Allow Submitter Cancellation” in your organization’s settings - reach out to an org admin/submit a config request yourself (learn more here).

  1. After confirming milestone cancellation, the selected quote will now appear as such in the Operations Phase (with the date of cancellation in red).

  2. Note that the “Cancel Workflow” button has been changed to “Restore Workflow” - if the cancellation needs to be reverted for any reason, select the green “Restore Workflow” to open a restore modal.

  1. The “Restore Workflow” modal will note if there is another quote with either a signed contract or documents out for signature within the same project. This is purely to draw attention to the state of the project progression and advise against creating any unnecessary confusion restoring what may be an outdated workflow - it is not a blocker.

  2. Select “Confirm” to restore the workflow and regain full access to the associated quoted project.



Cancelling a workflow in the Quote Phase:

  1. Workflows with signed contracts can also be cancelled in the Quote Phase.

    1. If the workflow has not reached the signed contract stage, the archive option will display instead.

  2. Navigate to the Quote Phase, and select the kebab (vertical triple dots) next to the desired quote.

  3. Select the third option in the kebab menu, “Cancel Workflow”.

  4. A “Cancel Workflow” modal will appear - it is the same modal as shown above in the Operations Phase. State a cancellation reason and select “Confirm” to cancel the workflow, or select “Close” to do nothing.


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