How do I set soiling defaults?

How do I set soiling defaults?

Adjusting your Project Phase settings will make system design simpler, faster, and easier for your team. One of the defaults you can set is Soiling. You can set this up generally for all projects or apply different defaults based on market.


While in the Project Phase window of Settings, there is a Details tab (to the right of Adders). Clicking this tab reveals a variety of defaults and constraints that can be set and applied to all jobs. Account administrators can set the project cost controls, estimated installation dates, setbacks, and soiling. 

To add default Soiling, click the Edit link on the right within the Soiling section.

An edit mode will open on the page where you can input a default soiling percent. You can also toggle if this default should be editable in the project phase or if it is set for all projects. Once you've made the selections you would like, hit Save. These changes will apply all projects on a go-forward basis.


Example: You can see that when I set the soiling default percent, I see the same value defaulted in the Details section of the Project Phase. Furthermore, since I did not toggle on the ability to edit Soiling on the Project Phase, you see the value cannot be edited.

Soiling by Market

You can also set defaults on a market basis if you operate in multiple markets with implications on soiling. In order to set these defaults, select Edit on the Soiling section and select the Add Soiling for Market button (highlighted below).

You can create Market Templates directly in this module. For more information on how to set up Market Templates reference: How do I create and edit Market Templates?.

Assuming you have a market template set up, select the market you're wishing to set defaults for, insert the Soiling percentage you'd like to apply for this market, and hit Save on the top right. If you want to remove your Market specific Soiling, just enter the Edit mode and hit the remove (trashcan) icon next to the controls you'd like to delete in question and hit Save


In the image above, you'll see I've got a default already set for all jobs in Missouri. Now let's see how this impacts my workflow below:

You can see on the following job in Missouri, my Soiling default is applied when I view the details of my job.

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Still have questions? Contact support@goeverbright.com or start a chat with us when you are logged into the platform.

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