How do I integrate my DocuSign account with EverBright?

How do I integrate my DocuSign account with EverBright?

All EverBright accounts come defaulted with a connection into EverBright’s DocuSign account. The instructions below are purely optional and only apply if you require that your contracts be sent via your company’s Docusign Business Pro account.

Note: If you do not have a Business Pro DocuSign account but have already put your credentials in the Integration settings in EverBright, please send an email to support@goeverbright.com so that we can revert your account to using EverBright's DocuSign.

In EverBright

You need to insert your DocuSign credentials in EverBright. To do so, go to your Settings and then go to the Integrations section. Here you should see the ability to enter in DocuSign credentials to connect your account.

In DocuSign

Please have your account administrator log into your DocuSign account and follow the steps below to ensure completed DocuSign envelopes return to EverBright.

1. Log in as the admin account and go to Go to Admin by clicking on the top right nav

Go To Admin in DocuSign Account

2. Click on Connect under Account Administration in the bottom left of the screen

Connect in DocuSign

3. Click Add Configuration dropdown and select Custom:

4. Configure the Connection with the following, required elements:

  • Name:  This is name of the Connect configuration. The name helps identify the configuration in the list. 

    • Input: Engine

  • URL to Publish: This is the web address and name of your listener or Retrieving Service endpoint. You must include the protocol (HTTP: or HTTPS:) in the web address for Demo account. You must include HTTPS:// in the web address for Production accounts because SSL is required in Production. 

  • Data Format: select “Legacy”. This cannot be changed once the configuration is saved.

  • Enable Log: Select this option to enable logging for this configuration. It is recommended that you enable this option to facilitate troubleshooting any problems. If you do not want to enable logging for this configuration, clear this box. DocuSign will keep the last 100 log entries for all Connect configurations for the account. The log entries can be viewed by clicking Logs on the Connect page.

  • Require Acknowledgment: Select this option so that failed callbacks of documents are reattempted by DocuSign. What this means is that DocuSign will resend any callbacks that fail to reach EverBright. For example, if EverBright misses callbacks during release downtime, they will be resent as long as this is turned on.

  • Trigger Events - Envelope Signed/Completed: Select this option so that EverBright application is updated when the document or recipient actions are completed.



6. Click Add to save the configuration.

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