How do I re-quote a quote?

How do I re-quote a quote?

After designing a system on the Project Phase and generating a quote in the Quote Phase (a guide on creating a quote can be found here). You may want to re-use the inputs from a quote to generate a new quote on a project. Or perhaps you’ve made changes to the project, contact, or usage phases and want those changes to flow through to the quote. If any of these apply to you, you’ll want to use the Re-Quote feature!

You might also have encountered a “stale quote“ error. A stale quote is caused by something changing upstream that makes the quote invalid ( What is invalidation and how does it work? ). Sometimes it can also be due to an expired credit application or there are projects that go beyond the start and end date.

To get started, navigate to the Quote Phase for your job and select the quote you want to re-run.

Click the three dots next to the quote you've selected.

Select the first option Re-Quote.  If you created a quote through cost buildup, the line item pricing for each equipment and adder will be carried through into the cost buildup drawer for the new quote. If incentives were overridden on the generated quote, then those values will carry through to the new quote inputs as well.

Once you have all the inputs you would like on the quote solver, click the blue Create Quote button and a new quote will be created.



What if I've created multiple projects?

In the case where I have created multiple projects, when I click to re-quote a quote, I have the option to select the project that I want to quote using the inputs of the existing quote.

Once you’ve select the project you would like to Re-Quote in the dropdown, then the inputs for the selected quote are set in the quote form and the cost buildup and incentive drawers.  From there, I can make whatever changes I would like, if any, and when I'm ready to re-run my quote hit Create Quote.

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