What is invalidation and how does it work?

What is invalidation and how does it work?

Invalidation Overview

Invalidation is the term EverBright uses when there are changes to the inputs that will impact quote and savings values. Invalidation happens after changes are made to the customer's system design. After modifications have been made, EverBright recalculates all impacted quotes and updates relevant information that appears on proposals and documents. 

Invalidation Triggers

Invalidation can happen when modifying a system and is triggered when the following occurs:

  • Changes project

  • Changes to usage

Invalidation Results

After invalidation has happened, you will see the changes reflected in the quote page, proposals that have not been previously downloaded, and any newly generated documents. The changes you see are dependent on the changes you made.     

Changes made to the system may update the install cost and estimated savings values displayed on the quote page. Additionally, any information that references the system will update on proposals that have not yet been downloaded, as well as newly generated documents. 

To view the full impact of the changes made to the system on the quote page, be sure to refresh the page. After refreshing, you will see the quote values update.

Invalidation Example

Modifications can be made to the system design. All inputs can be changed. When done with the changes, make sure to click Calculate on the Project phase to save changes.

Here's an example of a projects original Quote summary before any change is made:

The data will update (it may take a while). Here, we added 5 panels, and as the changes were saved, the Quote and Proposal phase started updating, thus the spinning wheel below. Once data is updated, the notifications will display a success message.

Now that you have completed updating the system you can see the changes reflected in the quote page. To make sure you can view the changes, please refresh the page. You will see the applicable changes reflected in the system size, the quote, savings and incentives values, and the monthly savings value on the quote tile in the proposal section.

Here's an example of the same quote page after the saved changes:

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