Property Eligibility
Background: EverBright will have specific requirements to determine the Eligibility or Ineligibility of a property with our financing products such as EverBright EverOwn, EverBright EverFixed & EverFlex, and EverBright EverEasy.
Type of Property | Condition | Eligibility |
An individual can only be on a contract for a max of 2 different properties. If there's another individual on title for the 3rd, 4th, etc. property address, they're welcome to have that individual sign the contract (and could also have someone else on contract/credit approved if they're unable to credit qualify. It can’t be that original individual who's already on 2 different contracts for 2 different addresses). |
Type of Property | Eligibility |
Alternatively, the homeowner can email this information to for review. To ensure a quick resolution, the title of their email should include the following: first and last name, address, and the type of document they have included for review. Example: Jane Doe: 187 Smith Ln, Dalton GA 30720: Title Document.