New Reporting FAQs

New Reporting FAQs


Here are some answers to questions you may have about the new reporting feature.

Why do I only see job/milestone-focused reports? How do I see other types of reports?

Currently the only reports available are milestone/job related. We are in the process of building reports that are focused in other areas of work such as sales (pre-contract signing) and installer payments. These should be available in the coming months, but in the meantime, existing reporting will remain on the platform so you can continue to get the data you need. We thank you for your patience while we work to build additional reporting.

Will I still have access to the old reports?

If you have access to Portfolio reporting that will remain uninterrupted. You will also continue to have access to old reporting as well. You can navigate to it from the new reporting landing page.

How can I navigate to the jobs in the report?

For the time being you can access the job information by exporting a CSV. In the near future, we will allow you to generate a list so that you can see job details and easily open the job in another tab within Engine!

Why do the filter options not show all of the expected values?

Our filters are designed to work like spreadsheets, meaning you'll only see options that are applicable to the other values selected. For example, if you select the "Approved" report type, and on the "Milestone Name" filter you don’t see "M2" as an option, that means that there wasn’t an M2 milestone approved within the date range selected. To see more values in the filter, please select a broader date range.

Why can’t I enter a custom date range for a report?

We will be adding a precise date picker soon! For now, we have many past and future date ranges you can select from.

How do I give feedback on the new reporting?

On the new reporting landing page, simply click the “Give us Feedback here!” link.

Can I change the X or Y axis of a chart?

The X and Y axes are fixed. However, if you need a report that is not available, please let us know by giving us feedback. We are eager to make the reporting tool more helpful to you.

Who can view reports?

All users can access the new reporting tool. If a user has access to a site, the data from that site will be reflected in the report. Once reporting on installer payments is available, we will have permission requirements to ensure only admins in installer accounts can view payment data.

Why are the values different from the values in the project and quote phase?

We are pulling in key metrics, like the amount financed, install cost, and system size from the most recently signed contract or work order. If a change order occurs, the reporting will reflect the data from the latest signed change order. This may result in a different value than what appears on the quote or project phases, but you can rest assured the data will reflect the most recent contracted values with EverBright.

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